En aquesta secció donem a conèixer les diverses ofertes de treball rebudes al BioC en l'àmbit de la Biologia de la Conservació de Plantes, tant a nivells pre-doctorals (beques, places per a la realització de tesis doctorals) com post-doctorals (llocs de treball, concursos, incorporació a projectes, etc.).
Les ofertes són publicades en el mateix format en què han estat rebudes (text, idioma, etc.) i són presentades en ordre cronològic invers a com n'hem tingut coneixement (de més modernes a més antigues). Sempre que és possible, s'indica la data límit de presentació de sol·licituds i una referència de contacte.
- Científic sènior en Salut de plantes i animals silvestres /UK [Ref. 170 - 16/9/2016]
Senior Wildlife Scientist a Animal and Plant Health Agency -Data límit: 3 octubre 2016 Enllaç convocatòria: https://www.civilservicejobs.service.gov.uk/csr/jobs.cgi?jcode=1507093 Contact point for applicants: huw.thomas@apha.gsi.gov.uk
- Oferta de tesi doctoral a l'Institut Botànic de Barcelona [Ref. 169 - 7/9/2016]
Des de l’Institut Botànic de Barcelona es busca candidat per a realitzar una tesis doctoral en el marc del Projecte d’investigació RADIACIONS ALPINES DE TIPUS INSULAR A ASIA: ELS CASOS DE SAUSSUREA I JURINEA A L’HIMALAYA I EL TIAN SHAN.
Enviar Curriculum Vitae a l'investigador principal del projecte, Dr. Alfonso Susanna de la Serna (asusanna@ibb.csic.es) fins el 20 /9/ 2016.
- Ajuts per a tesis doctoral en Català [Ref. 159 - 3/6/2016]
Els ajuts es destinen a contribuir a les despeses i les taxes administratives associades amb la finalització de la tesi doctoral i amb el tràmit d'obtenció del títol de doctor o doctora. Les tesis, escrites en català, s'han d'haver defensat durant l'any 2015.
Termini : 4 juliol 2016
Enllaç: http://agaur.gencat.cat/ca/beques-i-ajuts/convocatories-per-temes/Ajuts-per-a-tesis-doctorals-en-catala-TDCAT-2016
- Beques EMBO [Ref. 158 - 3/6/2016]
EMBO Fellowship
The EMBO Long-Term Fellowships are awarded for a period of up to two years and support post-doctoral research visits to laboratories throughout Europe and the world. International exchange is a key feature in the application process.
Deadlines: 12 August 2016
EMBO Short-Term Fellowships fund research visits of up to three months to laboratories in Europe and elsewhere in the world. The aim is to facilitate valuable collaborations with research groups applying techniques that are unavailable in the applicant's laboratory. Short-Term Fellowships are not awarded for exchanges between two laboratories within the same country. Short-Term Fellowships are intended for joint research work rather than consultations.
Deadline: Applications accepted throughout the year
- Accions Marie Curie [Ref. 157 - 3/6/2016]
Individual Fellowships (IF) - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Millorar el potencial creatiu i innovador dels investigadors/es i nodrir l’excel·lència
Les beques europees (EF) es duen a terme als Estats membres de la UE o països associats i estan oberts als investigadors, ja sigui que vénen a Europa o es desplacen dins d'Europa.
Les beques globals (GF) es componen d'una fase de sortida durant el qual l'investigador es compromet una adscripció a una organització associada a un tercer país (TC), i un sistema obligatori de període de retorn de 12 mesos a una organització d'acollida (el beneficiari), ubicat en un EM o de corrent altern.
Les propostes es presentaran en una de les 8 àrees científiques.
Data límit: 7 setembre 2016 a la UB
Enllaç: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/2226-msca-if-2016.html
- Beques postdoctorals per a joves professors i investigadors - Santander Universidades [Ref. 156 - 23/5/2016]
Ajuts per facilitar la mobilitat de joves investigadors i professors universitaris entre universitats i centres d'investigació iberoamericans. Es financen estades en algun centre de recerca o universitat iberoamericana diferent del país d'origen.
Data límit: 30 de juny 2016 a la UB (OMPI)
Enllaç: http://www.becas-santander.com/
- 1 Posició PhD - CIBIO Lisboa/Açores (Alemanya) [Ref. 155 - 6/5/2016]
One post-doctoral fellowship is available at CIBIO-InBIO, funded by the FCT Project PTDC/BIA-BIC/5558/2014 in the field of biodiversity patterns and conservation, under the following conditions: Scientific area: Biological Sciences / Biodiversity Patterns and Conservation Admission requirements: The post-doc fellowship is suitable for candidates of any nationality holding a PhD degree in biology, ecology, environmental sciences or related fields but candidates from mathematics, statistics or other quantitative areas are strongly encouraged to apply. The candidate should have a strong quantitative background and programming experience. Further preferred skills include excellent verbal and written communication skills. Excellent speaking and written knowledge of English is required. A proven publication track record is required. Project overview: This project investigates how species diversity, with emphasis on species abundance distributions, scale as a function of area or sample size. The research will be mainly desk based and will include statistical analysis and the development of probabilistic models to describe the patterns of species diversity scaling, with emphasis on the species abundance distribution. However, practical aspects of data collection relevant to mathematical developments will also be considered and the candidate will interact with researchers from the Azorean Biodiversity Group (cE3c) based at the University of Azores on these matters. The candidate will join a dynamic teams led by Luís Borda de Água and Henrique M. Pereira in Lisbon, and Paulo Borges in Azores working on ecological theory of biodiversity modeling. Fellowship: The duration of the fellowship is 12 months, renewable up to a maximum of three years. Salary: Monthly stipend is €1495 according to the stipends established by FCT, I.P. in Portugal (http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores). Payment will be made by bank transfer on a monthly basis. Legislation applicable: Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. - 2013 Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da FCT, I. P., aprovado pelo Regulamento nº 234/2012, de 25 de junho, alterado pelo Regulamento nº 326/2013, de 27 de agosto de 2013 Work place: Work will be conducted at CIBIO-InBIO branch located at the Tropical Research Institute, Lisbon, Portugal Application: The call for applications is open between 20th of May and 3rd of June 2016 (24:00 GMT). Applications should be submitted by email to bolsas@cibio.up.pt and will include: a) Curriculum vitae (including a publication list and other relevant information in the context of the project research goals); b) Motivation Letter (including a brief description of research experience and why you are suitable for the announced position); Selection criteria: The jury panel will select the best candidate based on his/her merit, through the analysis of: · Overall appreciation of the Curriculum Vitae, particularly the publication record (60%); · Specific experience in research projects related to the call (40%); The best candidates will be invited for an interview (typically ca. 25%), in person or by videoconference, to establish the final ranking. Jury Panel: Luís Borda de Água (Chair), Henrique Miguel Pereira (vowel), Paulo Borges (vowel), and César Capinha (vowel). Results announcement: Candidates will be directly informed by email about the result of their application. The ranking of the candidates will be published at a visible and public area of ICETA facilities
- 1 Posició PhD - Universitat de Göttingen (Alemanya) [Ref. 154 - 4/4/2016]
We have a vacant, fully funded PhD position in macroecology within the Research Training Group 1644 "Scaling Problems in Statistics" funded by the German Research Foundation. The position is a 75 % E 13 TV-L position according to the German public service and funded for three years. The tentative topic is "Spatial and Temporal Scaling of Biodiversity and Environment". See attached pdf and https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/421234.html Please feel free to forward this to potential candidates.ç
- 2 PhD a Kew Gardens (Anglaterra) [Ref. 153 - 22/2/2016]
2 PhD emmarcarts dintre del 'Harding Alpine Plant and Fungal Research Programme', dels Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, amb el qual es preten estudiar l'evolució de plantes i fongs en ecosistemes alpins. Per més informació: https://careers.kew.org/vacancy/harding-alpine-plant-and-fungal-research-programme-phd-fellowships-254393.html
- Contracte post-doctoral a Leipzig (Alemanya) [Ref. 152 - 15/2/2016]
Postdoc for the synthesis of Community Ecology of Island Forests (m/f)
Duration: 2 years | working time: 100% (39 hours per week) Preferred starting date: 15 April 2016 The position will be located at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research Halle-Jena-Leipzig (iDiv) in Leipzig, Germany in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ). The working language at iDiv and within SIE is English. The candidate will also have the opportunity to work closely with the research group ‘Biodiversity, Macroecology, and Conservation Biogeography’ of Prof. Dr. Holger Kreft at the University of Göttingen. FULL Job add here: https://recruitingapp-5128.de.umantis.com/Vacancies/720/Description/2?customer=5128
- Contracte pre-doctoral a Hèlsinki (Finlàndia) [Ref. 151 - 13/1/2016]
A three-year position for a PhD student is available in the project “TRAIT-BASED PREDICTION OF EXTINCTION RISK”. The project intends to evaluate the relation between functional traits (e.g. body size, dispersal ability) and extinction risk across a variety of taxa, from bryophytes to mammals, at a global level, allowing the prediction of which species are in peril when current population trends are unknown. Traits will be correlated with extinction risk in both artificial scenarios, using agent-based modelling, and empirical data, using literature search.
The student will work in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (http://www.luomus.fi) and enrol in the LUOVA Doctoral Programme in Wildlife Biology Research (http://www.helsinki.fi/luova/) of the University of Helsinki, Finland. (S)he will be supervised by Pedro Cardoso (http://www.luomus.fi/en/pedro-cardoso) and Aino Juslén (http://www.luomus.fi/en/aino-juslen-0 ). The position is available for three years starting June 2016. It is funded by Kone Foundation (http://www.koneensaatio.fi/en/) with a value of 2360€/month x 36 months.
Applicants are expected to have a Master`s in ecology, biology, geography or related disciplines. A strong interest (but not necessarily knowledge) in computer science and statistics is also highly recommended, besides high motivation, enthusiasm for science and ability to work independently and as a member of a research group. The post will include extensive literature search, computer programming, data analyses and manuscript (and thesis) writing.
The application documents should include:
1. Motivation letter explaining why (s)he is interested in the position and an excellent candidate.
2. CV including education and prior research experience.
3. One-page summary of the MSc thesis and list of relevant publications (if any).
4. Name and contact information for two academic referees.
The application should be sent no later than 29.02.2016 to Pedro Cardoso (pedro.cardoso (at) helsinki.fi)
- Contracte pre-doctoral a Brno (Txèquia) [Ref. 150 - 11/1/2016]
Topic: Going back in time: reconstructing genome evolution in the mustard family
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Martin Lysak, Ph.D. Consultants: Mgr. Terezie Mandáková, Ph.D. -
The mustard family (crucifers, Brassicaceae) is a plant group with the most advanced comparative cytogenetics! This exciting PhD project will elucidate genome and karyotype evolution in the mustard family using molecular cytogenetic methods in a top-class laboratory (http://www.plantcytogenomics.org). Student will reconstruct (particularly by comparative chromosome painting with Arabidopsis BAC contigs) modern as well as ancestral genomes to infer principles and mechanisms of genome evolution in crucifers (e.g., Are chromosome rearrangements important drivers of genome evolution and taxonomic diversity?). To complement molecular cytogenetic analyses, student will be involved in ongoing next-generation sequencing (NGS) and phylogenetic efforts in the lab. More information about the CEITEC PhD school: http://www.ceitec.eu/life-sciences-programme/t1773
- Postdoc a Göttingen (Alemanya)- Biodiversitat en plantacions de palmera d'oli [Ref. 149 - 10/11/2015]
A 3.5-year postdoc position is now open at the University Gottingen (Germany) in the project “Biodiversity enrichment in oil palm plantations: plant succession and integration” as part of the Collaborative Research Centre "Ecological and Socioeconomic Functions of Tropical Lowland Rainforest Transformation Systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)"(uni-goettingen.de/efforts). We are seeking a highly motivated postdoc with a background in plant ecology, forestry or a related field and with a keen interest in biodiversity-ecosystem functioning, seed dispersal, and landscape analysis. The project will be based in Göttingen, but requires extensive field work in Indonesia. Expected starting date: 15 May 2016. The full job ad can be acccessed here as a PDF file: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/b11-biodiversity-enrichment-postdoc-position/528529.html
- Contracte FPU (Predoctoral) a Barcelona [Ref. 148 - 9/11/2015]
El grup de recerca EtnoBioFic, format per investigadors de l’Institut Botànic de Barcelona (CSIC-ICUB) i de la Universitat de Barcelona (UB) busca un/a titulat/da en: Biologia, Biologia Ambiental, Bioquímica, Biotecnologia, Ciències Ambientals, Ciències Biomèdiques, Farmàcia o afins per a un contracte FPU a Barcelona en el camp de la Biologia Evolutiva de Plantes, amb especial èmfasi en l’estudi dels cromosomes i, en particular, de l’ADN ribosòmic. Busquem una persona motivada per a la investigació i interessada en adquirir competències docents universitàries, per a sol·licitar un contracte de Formació de Professorat Universitari (FPU) en aquesta convocatòria, que finalitza el 22 de desembre de 2015 a les 14 h (hora peninsular). Etnobiofic és un grup pluridisciplinari i molt actiu, amb una llarga trajectòria investigadora, una dilatada experiència en la formació de doctors i una elevada productivitat científica. Més detalls a www.etnobiofic.cat
Per a més informació, podeu consultar el web de l'IBB: http://www.ibb.bcn-csic.es/programa-de-formacio-de-professorat-universitari-fpu-mecd/
- Beques i projectes diversos [Ref. 147 - 2/12/2015]
BEQUES POST-DOCTORALS International Foundation for Science (IFS) Research Grants for Individuals
Deadline: 31 December 2015
Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund -- Annual Conservation Grants 2016-2017.
Deadline: 15 December 2015.
FRB (Fondation pour la Recherche sur La Biodiversité) / CESAB (CEntre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity) 2015 call for research projects .
Deadline: 1 February 2016
- Contractes en pràctiques a l'Institut Botànic de Barcelona [Ref. 146 - 30/11/2015]
Divendres passat, 27 de novembre, es va publicar a la pàgina web del CSIC la convocatòria del procés selectiu per a la formalització de contractes en pràctiques emmarcats en la iniciativa europea Garantia Juvenil. Dues d'aquestes places van ser adjudicades a l'Institut Botànic de Barcelona: una com a tècnic de laboratori i una altra com a documentalista per a la biblioteca. (Annex I, pàg. 17).
Tota la informació sobre els requisits, com inscriure’s, etc. es troba disponible a la següent adreça: https://sede.csic.gob.es/garantia-juvenil-mineco
El termini per inscriure's finalitza el 15 de desembre.
- PostDoc a Göttingen, Alemanya [Ref. 145 - / 2/11/2015]
Interested in working on fascinating Macroecological research questions? Come and join us:
We are currently seeking a postdoctoral researcher in macroecology and biogeography in Holger Kreft's lab in Göttingen, Germany (2 hours from Berlin/Frankfurt/Leipzig). The full-time position is initially available for three years, can be extended for another three years after positive evaluation and should be filled as soon as possible. The salary is defined according to the German E13 TV-L scale. The position involves a limited amount of teaching (4 credit hours/semester) and is suitable to develop an independent research profile and to gain experience in teaching and supervision that qualifies for a professorship (habilitation). Application deadline is December 15. For more information see here: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/305402.html?cid=11020
- 4 places a l'Institut Botànic de Barcelona [Ref. 144 - 10/9/2015]
Us recordem que a la secció del web de l'IBB "Treballa amb nosaltres" podeu consultar totes les convocatòries de feina obertes. Actualment busquem:
1 investigador novell. Fi del termini: 15 de setembre.
1 tècnic de laboratori de 30 anys o menys. Fi del termini: 22 de setembre.
1 tècnic d’herbari de 30 anys o menys. Fi del termini: 22 de setembre.
1 documentalista per a biblioteca i arxiu de 30 anys o menys. De moment, sense data límit.
Per estar informats de totes les novetats de l'IBB, us podeu subscriure a la web (a la part inferior de la pàgina) o buscar-nos a Facebook.
- 3 places a l'Australian National Wildlife Collection [Ref. 143 - 10/9/2015]
We have launched a search for a Research Scientist in the Australian National Wildlife Collection (and, for that matter, two others in the Australian National Insect Collection and the Australian Tropical Herbarium). Details at https://jobs.csiro.au/job/Canberra%2C-ACT-Senior-Research-Scientist-Vertebrate-evolutionary-biology/290230800/. Anyone who works on any terrestrial vertebrate group can apply. Please feel free to pass this on far and wide. I believe it is already on evoldir among other places. Though a CSIRO position based with us in the Australian National Wildlife Collection, we work closely with the Centre for Biodiversity Analysis, which is a joint venture between CSIRO and the Australian National University and which is headed by Craig Morit
- Documentalista per a la Biblioteca i Arxiu de l'Institut Botànic de Barcelona [Ref. 142 - 1/9/2015]
L'Institut Botànic de Barcelona (IBB) desitja contractar un documentalista per a la seva Biblioteca i Arxiu. Aquest contracte s'emmarca dins el programa d'ajudes per a la “Promoción de Empleo Joven e Implantación de la Garantía Juvenil en I+D+i”, promogudes pel Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Els candidats han de complir uns requisits generals d'acord amb les bases d'aquestes ajudes, que es recullen al següent enllaç:
Els sol·licitants han de ser menors de 30 anys i estar inscrits en el fitxer del Sistema Nacional de Garantia Juvenil del Ministeri d'Ocupació i Seguretat Social, al qual es pot accedir des de l'enllaç anterior. Es tracta d'un contracte a temps complet, amb una durada de dos anys i orientat a la formació i adquisició d'experiència. A més dels requisits generals dels ajuts, els sol·licitants han de ser titulats universitaris. S'avaluaran els currículums d'aquelles persones que posseeixin:
- Llicenciatura en Documentació - Diplomatura en Biblioteconomia i Documentació - Grau en Informació i Documentació - Altres llicenciatures, diplomatures o graus amb experiència o formació complementària en documentació, arxivística o biblioteconomia.
La persona seleccionada rebrà la formació necessària per realitzar un ampli nombre de tasques pròpies d'una biblioteca especialitzada, com ara:
§ Serveis bàsics: préstec, informació i referència, obtenció de documents.
§ Avaluació de publicacions: Journal Citation Report, Scimago, factor d'impacte, quartils.
§ Accés obert: publicació d'articles al repositori institucional del CSIC, Digital CSIC, assessorament sobre mandats d'accés obert contemplats en els projectes d'investigació.
§ Propietat intel·lectual: tramitació de permisos de reproducció, assessorament sobre llicències i polítiques editorials de revistes.
§ Edició electrònica: metadades (Dublin Core), llenguatges de marcat HTML i XML, col·laboració en el procés d'edició de Collectanea Botanica, revista de l'IBB, publicació de continguts al web corporatiu.
§ Formació d'usuaris i alfabetització informacional.
§ Catalogació: monografies, revistes, llibre antic, recursos electrònics, mapes, microfitxes.
§ Recerques d'informació relacionades amb l'àmbit de la botànica.
§ Gestió d'arxius: elaboració d'inventaris, catalogació.
No és necessària experiència prèvia per a optar a aquest lloc.
Us agrairíem que aquells que estiguéssiu interessats, us inscrivíssiu al fitxer del Sistema Nacional de Garantia Juvenil del Ministeri d'Ocupació i Seguretat Social i ens enviéssiu el vostre currículum a la següent adreça: biblioteca@ibb.csic.es. Al currículum heu d'especificar la data en què us heu donat d'alta en el fitxer. Més informació:
- Contracte postdoctoral a Kew [Ref 142 - 26/4/2015]
We are now looking to appoint a postdoc to work on Sorbus genetics, focusing on S. porrigentiformis (endemic to England and Wales), using next generation sequencing methods. This two-year job is now live on Kew.org and Kewnet. Please share the following link with anyone that you think might be interested.
Persona de contacte: Dr. Mike Fay
- 2 Contractes postdoctorals a Açores [Ref 141 - 15/4/2015]
The cE3c – Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes will open several Post-Doc positions during 2015 and 2016. The number and timing of these positions will depend on the availability of competitive candidates. We are looking for outstanding, highly motivated scientists working on the following research areas: -Agro-forestry; Climate Change; Invasion Biology; Urban Ecology The researchers will be based in Lisbon (Univ of Lisbon) and/or the Azores (Univ. of Azores). The fellowship can be extended until 72 months and amounts to c. 1650 EUR per month, which includes contribution towards social security and liability insurance. Seed money will be available to facilitate the establishment of these research lines and it is expected that the candidates apply to national and international funds to conduct long-term research within cE3c. Candidates profile: - Excellent doctorate degree, completed preferentially no more than 6 years prior to the application; - Compelling independent past scientific achievement and publications in international peer-reviewed journals (quality of key publications specified in the application: applicant’s contribution in cases of multiple authorship); - Potential to obtain a leading position in at least one of the above listed four research topics (originality, degree of innovation in key publications); Knowledge of the Portuguese languages is not mandatory, but it is expected that Non-Portuguese applicants should be prepared to learn Portuguese during the duration of the fellowship We wish to receive applications that include the candidate CV and one-page concept describing how your past research will fit one or more of the above listed research topics. Applications should be directed to ce3c@fc.ul.pt, by the 30 April 2015. 2.- AZOREAN BIODIVERSITY GROUP (cE3c) POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS – DEMONSTRATION OF INTEREST The Azorean Biodiversity Group (cE3c – Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes) will open several Post-Doc positions during 2015 and 2016. The number and timing of these positions will depend on the availability of competitive candidates. We are looking for outstanding, highly motivated scientists working on the following research areas: - “Island Macroecology and Conservation”. In recent projects we have generated some very large and comprehensive biodiversity datasets for many field sites in Azores (projects BALA, EDEN, ISLAND-BIODIV, MOVECLIM, ATLANTISMAR, IMPACTBIO). We aim now to perform a synthesis project to bring together these datasets for combined spatial based analysis. The kinds of questions we are interested in are looking at the effect of global changes on biodiversity and ecosystem services and comparing the importance of different environmental drivers of alpha and beta diversity between trophic levels and at different spatial scales. The research should contribute to the solution of urgent environmental problems and H2020 challenges. The researchers will work in Azores (Univ. of Azores), to carry out long-term research (36-72 months), and amounts to c. 1650 EUR per month, which includes contribution towards social security and liability insurance. Seed money will be available to facilitate the establishment of these research lines and it is expected that the candidates apply to national and international funds to conduct long-term research within Azorean Biodiversity Group (cE3c). Candidates profile: - Excellent doctorate degree, completed preferentially no more than 6 years prior to the application; - Ability to manage large datasets and have the skills to perform complex ecological modelling using R in a macroecological research framework; - Compelling independent past scientific achievement and publications in international peer-reviewed journals (quality of key publications specified in the application: applicant’s contribution in cases of multiple authorship); - Potential to obtain a leading position in island research and Macroecology (originality, degree of innovation in key publications); Knowledge of the Portuguese languages is not mandatory, but it is expected that non-Portuguese applicants learn Portuguese during the duration of the fellowship. We wish to receive applications that include the candidate CV and one-page concept describing how your past research will fit the above-listed research topics. Applications should be directed to pborges@uac.pt, by the 30 April 2015.
- Investigador en projecte de seguiment de BD - Universitat de Barcelona [Ref 140 - 12/3/2015]
CENTRO PILOTO DE MONITOREO DE LA BIODIVERSIDAD DE MONTAÑAS MEDITERRÁNEAS Requeriments dels candidats: Doctor o llicenciat en biologia. - Coneixements ecològics i naturalistes dels ecosistemes mediterranis. - Expertesa en protocols de seguiment de biodiversitat i gestió de bases de dades. - Expertesa en redacció d’informes i tracte multidisciplinar. - Autonomia de desplaçament, de treball i capacitat d’iniciativa. Nivell contractual: contracte a temps complet per un any. Data límit: 10 abril Més informació al adjunt o al enllaç http://www.ub.edu/irbio/CAoferta.php?id=251. Enviar Curriculum vitae a: Dr. Joan Real (jreal@ub.edu) Departament de Biologia Animal Facultat de Biologia. Universitat de Barcelona Diagonal, 643 08028 Barcelona
- Ecosystem Programme Assistant - UICN / Málaga [Ref 139 - 20/2/2015]
From the IUCN: the MPSG (Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group) is partner in a new plant conservation project in the Mediterranean : Conserving wild plants and habitats for people across the Mediterranean (see the links below). Our Specialist Group will manage all the issues related to species assessment and conservation. Several members of the MPSG are already associated to the project, especially in north Africa. The launch workshop will take place in Rabat at the end of March.
Our partner, the IUCN Center for Mediterranean Cooperation, in Malaga, has just opened a position for an Ecosystem Programme Assistant which will work mainly on this project (see https://hrms.iucn.org/iresy/index.cfm?event=vac.show&vacId=1008 ). Please circulate this information in your networks.
IUCN/SSC/MPSG - Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group http://www.iucn.org/news_homepage/news_by_date/?18543/Conserving-wild-plants-and-habitats-for-people-across-the-Mediterranean https://iucn.org/about/union/members/?18398/2/Conserver-les-plantes-et-habitats-sauvages-pour-les-populations-de-Mediterranee
- Research Associate - University of Manchester [Ref 138 - 18/2/2015]
Research Associate in Microbiology, plant biology, bioinformatics and molecular genetics Salary: 30.000-33.000 BP / year
LÍMIT DE PRESENTACIÓ: 20/2/2015 + info
- Premis Fundación BBVA a la Conservació de la Biodiversitat [Ref 137 - 16/2/2015]
S’atorguen premis per a la conservació de la biodiversitat a Espanya i Amèrica Llatina. Per a Espanya, hi ha un premi de 250.000 € per a accions de conservació de la biodiversitat, i un altre premi de 80.000 € per a les comunicacions ambientals. Per a Amèrica Llatina, hi ha un premi de 250.000 € per a accions en conservació de la biodiversitat.
La data límit per a les nominacions és el 01 d'abril de 2015.
Es contemplen 3 modalitats: :
- Premi Fundación BBVA a les Actuacions en Conservació de la Biodiversitat a Espanya (Descargar Formulario de Nominación)
- Premi Fundación BBVA a les Actuacions en Conservació de la Biodiversitat a Amèrica Llatina (Descargar Formulario de Nominación)
- Premi Fundación BBVA a la Difusió del Coneixement i Sensibilització en la Conservació de la Biodiversitat a Espanya (Descargar Formulario de Nominación)
Enllaç: http://www.fbbva.es/TLFU/tlfu/esp/areas/medioamb/premios/fichapremio/index.jsp?codigo=142
- University of California at Davis -- Fellowships for Agricultural Research at U.S. Universities. [Ref 136 - 16/2/2015]
The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (Borlaug LEAP) offers fellowships for graduate students from developing countries for agricultural research at universities in the USA. The program currently invites applications from citizens of USAID-assisted countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Each research project is coordinated by a university in the student's home country, a university in the USA, and a mentor in the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The next application deadline is 31 March 2015. Link
- David and Lucile Packard Foundation -- Conservation and Science. [Ref 135 - 16/2/2015]
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation funds projects for conservation and science in themes that include marine fisheries, marine birds, Pacific coastal ecosystems, and climate change. The Foundation makes grants to charitable, educational, and scientific organizations in the USA and other countries. Most grants range from US$20 thousand to US$500 thousand. Potential applicants should consult Packard’s website for the criteria, guidelines, and restrictions of grant making. There is no calendar deadline. Link
- Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund -- Grants for Species Biodiversity. [Ref 134 - 16/2/2015]
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund makes grants for the conservation of any threatened or poorly known animal, plant, or fungus species worldwide. Anyone directly engaged in species conservation can apply: individuals, communities, and organizations. Grants are up to US$25 thousand per project. Applications are reviewed multiple times each year: Deadline of February 28th, 2015 for a response in May 2015 and deadline of June 30th, 2015 for a response in September 2015. Link
- Oferta internacional: recerca en conservació a Kew Gardens [Ref 131 - 25/1/2015]
A large number of jobs are currently being advertised at RBG Kew with a 1 Feb deadline for applications. For example:
Early Career Research Fellowships (12)
Research Leader - Conservation Genetics
Research Leader - Crop Plants
Research Leader - Digital Collections
Senior Research Leader - Plant Health
Please refer to UK immigration policy to determine work visa eligibilityfor non-EU applicants:
- Convocatòria FPU [Ref 130 - 8/1/2015]
En data 27 de desembre de 2014 es va fer pública al BOE la convocatòria d'ajuts de Formació de Professorat Universitari FPU 2014. El termini de presentació de sol·licituds s'iniciarà el proper dia 13 de gener, fins el 6 de febrer de 2015, a les 14 hores.. Les sol·licituds s’han de presentar a través de la Seu Electrònica del Ministeri d'Educació: https://sede.educacion.gob.es
Beques Post Doctorals Beatriu de Pinós, 05 de Febrer 2015
Modalitat A: Beques per a estades de recerca postdoctorals fora de l'Estat espanyol. L’objectiu és: atorgar 25 beques per fer estades de recerca postdoctoral de dos anys de durada en universitats i centres de recerca de fora de l'Estat espanyol.
Durada: 2 anys i s'han d'iniciar dins del període comprès entre la data de publicació de la resolució de concessió al tauler d'anuncis de l'AGAUR i l'1 d'octubre de 2015.
Import: Depèn del país de destinació veure Annex 5 en la resolució.
Termini: 05/02/2015.
Modalitat B : Ajuts per a la incorporació de personal investigador postdoctoral al sistema de ciència i tecnologia català. L’objectiu és atorgar fins a un màxim de 60 ajuts per a la contractació i la incorporació de personal investigador doctor al sistema de ciència i tecnologia català.
Durada: 2 anys. Les entitats beneficiàries dels ajuts han de formalitzar el contracte corresponent dins del període comprès entre la data de publicació de la resolució de concessió al tauler d'anuncis de l'AGAUR i l'1 d'octubre de 2015.
Import: Per a la contractació del personal investigador és de 85.022,40 euros. Aquesta quantitat finança el cost de cada contracte durant els 2 anys de l'ajut i inclou la retribució que ha de percebre el personal investigador i la quota patronal de la Seguretat Social. Addicionalment, s'atorgarà un ajut complementari de 6.000,00 euros, gestionat per la pròpia entitat, adreçat exclusivament a les activitats de formació i capacitació i a la realització d'altres accions destacades de recerca que desenvolupi la persona candidata contractada durant els dos anys de l'ajut.
Puntualitats: En el marc d'aquesta convocatòria, una persona candidata i un/a investigador/a responsable només poden constar com a tal a una sol·licitud, independentment de la modalitat.
Termini: 05/02/2015.
- OFERTA DEL MINISTERI ESPANYOL (1) [Ref. 128 - 15/12/2014]
Ayudas Juan de la Cierva-formación, 10 de Febrer de 2015
Objetivo: Las ayudas tienen como objetivo fomentar la contratación laboral de jóvenes doctores por un periodo de 2 años con objeto de que los mismos completen su formación investigadora posdoctoral en centros de I+D españoles distintos a aquellos en los que realizaron su formación predoctoral.
Dotación: 25.000 EUR anuales para un periodo de 2 años. Se convocan 225 ayudas de las que 4 se reservan para la contratación de personas con una discapacidad igual o superior al 50 por ciento. Las ayudas no cubiertas en este turno de reserva se acumularán al turno de acceso general.
Plazo: del 13 de enero de 2015 al 10 de febrero de 2015 a las 15:00 horas (hora peninsular).
- OFERTA DEL MINISTERI ESPANYOL (2) [Ref. 127 - 15/12/2014]
Ayudas Juan de la Cierva-incorporación 2014, 29 enero y 5 febrero 2015
Objetivos específicos y actividades que se financian: Concesión de un máximo de 225 ayudas de una duración de dos años para la contratación laboral de doctores por los centros de I+D españoles, de las que 4 ayudas se reservan para la contratación de doctores que participen por el turno de acceso de personas con discapacidad igual o superior al 50 por ciento.
Dotación: Las ayudas, cuya cuantía anual es de 29.000 euros, se destinan a cofinanciar el salario y la cuota empresarial de la Seguridad Social de los investigadores contratados durante cada una de las anualidades. Además de lo anterior, se concederá una ayuda adicional de 6.000 euros por cada investigador contratado, para cubrir los gastos directamente relacionados con la ejecución de las actividades de investigación del investigador contratado.
Plazos de solicitud: Investigadores: 08/01/2015-29/01/2015 , Centros: 08/01/2015-05/02/2015
- OFERTA DEL MINISTERI ESPANYOL (3) [Ref. 126 - 15/12/2014]
Ayudas para las matrículas en las enseñanzas de doctorado del personal investigador en formación 2014
Objectiu: Las ayudas tienen como objeto financiar el pago de las matrículas en las enseñanzas de doctorado que realice el personal investigador en formación.
Termini: 15/01/2015-03/02/2015
- OFERTA DEL MINISTERI ESPANYOL (4) [Ref. 125 - 15/12/2014]
Ayudas para contratos de Personal Técnico de Apoyo (PTA) 2014
Descripción general:
El objetivo de estas ayudas es la contratación laboral de personal técnico de apoyo en organismos de investigación y van destinadas a dar soporte en el manejo de equipos, instalaciones y demás infraestructuras de I+D+i a fin de incrementar y mejorar las prestaciones y rendimiento de las infraestructuras científico-tecnológicas.
Plazos de solicitud:
• Técnicos: 11/12/2014-16/01/2015
• Centros: 11/12/2014-27/01/2015
- Beca postdoctoral sobre pol·linització de pomeres a l'Argentina [Ref. 124 - 12/12/2014]
Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (Argentina) - El proyecto estudiará la importancia de la polinización en la producción de manzanas peras en el Alto Valle de Río Negro y Neuquén. Dado el alto grado de auto-incompatibilidad del cultivo, la polinización se maneja activamente a través de la introducción de colmenas y la plantación entremezclada de individuos de variedades que no producen frutos de valor comercial pero que actúan como fuentes de polen compatible para la variedad productora.[ Fecha de recepción de las solicitudes: hasta el 22/12/2014]
Més informació: Web de la SEBICOP
- Beques postdoctorals AXA [Ref 123 - 21/10/2014]
AXA Research Fund ha publicat una convocatòria de Post-doctoral Fellowships. El finançament està previst per a recerca bàsica per a una millor comprensió de riscos relacionats amb les àrees: 'life risks', 'socio-economic risks' i 'environmental risks'. El procediment per a la presentació és força complex, i és per això que cal consultar detalladament les instruccions. Més informació aquí.
- Beques predoctorals UB [Ref 122 - 16/9/2014]
Ha estat publicada la convocatòria d'ajuts per a la concessió i renovació dels ajuts de personal investigador predoctoral en formació (APIF), per a doctorands de la Universitat de Barcelona, curs 2014-2015. Podeu trobar el text de la convocatòria, així com la relació d'ajuts convocats (annex III) i l'aplicació UB-GREC de sol·licituds, a la pàgina web:
El termini de presentació de sol·licituds, generades per l'aplicació informàtica, finalitza el proper dia 2 d'octubre a les 13:00 hores, i han de ser lliurades a laUnitat de Beques i Ajuts a l'Estudiant (Beques de Tercer Cicle) - Pavelló Rosa -
- Beques de l'Institut Menorquí d'Estudis (IME) [Ref 121 - 18/3/2014]
S'han publicat, al BOIB núm. 36 de data 15/03/2014, les bases i la convocatòria per a la concessió de beques d'investigació de l'Institut Menorquí d'Estudis convocatòria 2014. Us adjuntam la documentació referida que trobareu a la pàgina web de l'IME i del CIM, com també als seus taulers d'anuncis. Més informació: http://www.ime.cat/
- Ajuts per a la contractació de personal investigador novell [Ref 120 - 14/1/2014]
Resolució de la convocatòria d'ajuts per a la contractació de personal investigador novell FI-GDR 2014. Podeu trobar aquesta resolució a l'adreça: http://www10.gencat.cat/agaur_web/generados/catala/home/recurs/doc/resolucio_10gen14_conc_fi14.pdf.
- Cartografia d'Hàbitats a Croàcia [Ref 119 - 24/12/2013]
La empresa TRAGSA está buscando un experto en hábitat de la región biogeográfica continental (según directiva de Hábitat), para presentar a una licitación en Croacia en la que ha entrado en lista corta, ya que necesita encontrar urgentemente un experto. La oferta debe estar en Zagreb el 8 de enero antes de las 4pm, por lo que las personas interesadas deben contactar con TRAGSA muy urgentemente.
Més informació: Elena Bermejo Bermejo / TRAGSA - Calle Julián Camarillo 6 B - 28037 Madrid / Tel.: 913225996 / ebermej1@tragsa.es
- Beques FPU 2013 [Ref 118 - 26/11/2013]
El 21 de novembre es va publicar la resolució de convocatòria dels ajuts per a la formació de professorat universitari (FPU), corresponent a l'any 2013 (BOE núm. 279).
Els ajuts tenen per objecte finançar la realització d'un programa oficial de doctorat i de tasques de recerca, en qualsevol de les àrees de coneixement, mitjançant la formalització de contractes predoctorals. Aquest tipus de contracte, regulat a la Llei 14/2011, d'1 de juny, de la Ciència, la Tecnologia i la Innovació, té un any de durada, éssent prorrogable per períodees anuals, previ l'informe favorable de la comissió de doctorat, fins a un màxim de 4 anys.
La presentació de sol·licituds per aquesta convocatòria, així com la pràctica de les notificacions i la publicació dels diferents actes administratius relacionats amb el procediment de concessió, es portaran a terme a través de la Seu Electrònica del Ministeri (http://sede.educacion.gob.es). El termini de presentació s'inicia avui dia 24 i finalitzarà el proper 16 de desembre de 2013.
- Beques de doctorat "La Caixa" [Ref 117 - 26/11/2013]
Convocatòria de beques de 'la Caixa' per a estudis de doctorat en universitats espanyoles, per a l'any 2014.
Aquesta convocatòria s’adreça únicament a aquells programes de doctorat que disposin de la Menció cap a l'Excel·lència. Així mateix, d’acord amb el que estableix l’apartat 3.2.1 de la convocatòria, els sol·licitants han d’acreditar l’accés a un programa oficial de doctorat; o bé, estar en disposició de complir aquest requisit en setembre de 2014. En ambdós casos, el sol·licitant no ha d’haver estat matriculat anteriorment en estudis de doctorat.
El termini de presentació de sol·licituds, actualment obert, finalitzarà el 24 de febrer de 2014 i els becaris s'incorporaran a les universitats de destí durant el curs 2014-2015.
Així mateix, les sol·licituds s’han de presentar a través de la web de la Obra Social “la Caixa”: http://obrasocial.lacaixa.es/ambitos/becas/doctoradoenespana_es.html
- Professor de Bioinformàtica / University of Qatar [Ref 116 - 22/11/2013]
Full/Associate Professor in Doha Follow: http://qucasrecruitment.simplicant.com/job/detail/15516-full-or-associate-professor-of-bioinformatics
- Beques predoctorals APIF 2013 [Ref 115 - 9/9/2013]
TERMINI: 25/9/2013
MÉS INFORMACIÓ: http://www.ub.edu/beques/3rcicle/ub/apif/index.html
- Ajuts per a contractes predoctorals per a la formació de doctors 2013 del Ministeri d'Economia i Competitivitat (MINECO) [Ref 114 - 2/9/2013]
Per a contractes associats a projectes de recerca del Subprograma de Projectes d'Investigació Fonamental no Orientada, convocatòria 2012, del MINECO, que van ser escollits com a susceptibles de tenir associat un o més ajuts per a la formació de doctors. El termini per a la presentació de sol·licituds finalitza el 10 de setembre de 2013.
Podeu trobar més informació a http://www.idi.mineco.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.dbc68b34d11ccbd5d52ffeb801432ea0/?vgnextoid=68eb71d255dcf310VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRD&vgnextchannel=11f35656ecfee310VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRD.
- Lloc Postdoctoral LIFE-Charcos (Portugal) - [Ref 113 - 12/8/2013]
Related to an upcoming opportunity for a 4-year Doctoral or Postdoctoral position funded by the EU’s LIFE+ program, we invite all potentially interested to submit their CV and short statement of scientific interests. Both national and international applications are welcomed. Scientific topics are Mediterranean temporary ponds, seed bank, habitat management and ecological restoration.
Candidates should have a background in botany, relevant statistical data analysis skills, English proficiency and communication skills. The workplace will be in Évora University (Portugal), but the candidate must be available to travel and to extended stays in the field.
Expected starting date is autumn 2013. More information about the project can be found in: http://www.icaam.uevora.pt/Noticias-e-Informacoes/Publicacoes-e-Projetos/LIFE-Charcos-Projeto-Europeu-para-a-Conservacao-de-Charcos-Mediterranicos
Please send the documentation to ccruz@uevora.pt and afb@uevora.pt. Period for submission: From 1st August to 7th September
- Ajuts predoctorals - AGAUR [Ref 112 - 26/7/2013]
Convocatòria d'ajuts destinats a universitats, centres de recerca i fundacions hospitalàries per a la contractació de personal investigador novell per a l'any 2014 de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FI-DGR 2014).El termini de presentació de sol·licituds romandrà obert del 27 de juliol al 30 de setembre.
Aquelles persones que vulguin presentar la sol·licitud durant el mes d'agost, hauran fer-ho directament a l'AGAUR.
De l'1 al 30 de setembre, la documentació haurà de ser lliurada a la Unitat de Beques i Ajuts a l'Estudiant UB (Oficina de Beques de Tercer Cicle).
A la pàgina web de Beques de Tercer Cicle (http://www.ub.edu/beques/3rcicle/gene/fi/index.html) trobareu un resum de la documentació que cal presentar amb la sol·licitud. Tanmateix, des d'aquesta pàgina podreu enllaçar amb la web de l'AGAUR, on trobareu més informació relativa a la convocatòria.
- Gerrit Parmile Wilder Endowed Chair in Botany (Hawaii) [Ref 111-7/5/2013]
The Department of Botany at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa invites outstanding scientists with research interests in the biology and/or ecology of marine, aquatic or terrestrial plants to apply for a tenure-eligible position as the Gerrit Parmile Wilder Endowed Chair in Botany. The successful candidate will join a faculty with diverse research interests, including a strong focus on evolutionary biology, ecology, ethnobotany and conservation. Teaching responsibilities will include an upper level undergraduate course and a graduate course in the individual's specialty. As holder of the Chair, the incumbent would manage a substantial discretionary fund for research and training. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in botany / ecology / evolution or a related field, evidence of excellence in teaching, prior or current college or university appointment at the rank of associate professor or professor or equivalent, and a strong publication record. Desirable qualifications include outstanding communication skills, extramural funding, international recognition, a track record of collaboration, and plans for a research program that takes advantage of Hawai'i's unique biota. Individuals interested in developing innovative initiatives within the Department of Botany and the College of Natural Sciences are especially encouraged to apply. Additional details can be found under position no. 84876 at: http://workatuh.hawaii.edu. To apply, please send a single PDF document to botany@hawaii.edu that includes: 1) a cover letter indicating your teaching and research interests and how you satisfy the minimum and desirable qualifications; 2) a detailed curriculum vitae; and, 3) names and contact information for three professional references. Review of applications will begin on August 15 2013 and continue until the position is filled. The University of Hawai'i is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution and encourages applications from women and minority candidates.
- Beca de col·laboració al CeDocBiV [Ref 110- 17/4/2013]
S'ofereix una beca per a estudiants de la UB amb una dedicació de 10 hores setmanals d'octubre a juny. Els estudiants que estiguin interessats que truquin o enviïn un correu al CeDocBiV a: http://www.bib.ub.edu/cedocbiv/
- Ajuts a la Recerca per beques a UC, Irvine (EUA) [Ref 109 - 17/4/2013)
Convocatòria per a la concessió de les beques Balsells-Generalitat de Catalunya per realizar estudis de postgrau i estades de recerca postdoctorals en l'àmbit de les enginyeries i les ciències a la University of California, Irvine (BBI).
Més informació - Web UB
- 600 Places contractuals de Recerca a la UE [Ref 108 - 16/2/2013]
Data límit de presentació: 1/3/2013
Més informació: bloc de la SEBICOP
- Beques Fulbright d'ampliació d'estudis [Ref 107 - 16/2/2013]
Data límit de presentació: 21/3/2013
Més informació: http://fulbright.es/convocatorias/ver/1390/ampliacion-de-estudios/2014-2015
- Beques per a la realització de la tesi doctoral de "La Caixa" [Ref 106 - 15/1/2013]
Data límit de presentació: 16/4/2013
Dotació: 25.000-30.000 eur/any
Més informació
Enllaç al tríptic informatiu - http://www.ub.edu/farmacia/docs/BecaCaixa.pdf
- Ajuts a la Recerca: Procediment de concesió d'ajuts dels Subprogrames Ramon y Cajal, JUAN DE LA CIERVA , Personal Tècnic de Suport i Torres Quevedo, en el marc del Pla Nacional d'Investigació Científica, Desenvolupament i Innovació Tecnològica 2008-2011, prorrogat per Acord del Consell de Ministres de 7 d'octubre de 2011.[Ref 105- 30/10/2012]
Capitol III -Subprograma Juan de la Cierva
BASES Data convocatòria: 24/10/2012 Data Límit presentació: 20/11/2012 Organisme convocant: MCOC - Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad
Trobareu més informació sobre requisits i presentació de documentació a: Consulta de convocatòries
Capítol II Subprograma Ramon y Cajal
BASES Data convocatòria: 24/10/2012 Data Límit presentació: 27/11/2012 Organisme convocant: MCOC - Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad
- Tesi doctoral sobre dispersió de granes per tortugues gegants [Ref. 104-1/10/2012]
There is an open position for a 3-year fully funded PhD-project on giant tortoises and seed dispersal on the Aldabra Atoll in our research group. I am looking for a truly excellent student; it is crucial that the student is independent and has extensive fieldwork experience already, since Aldabra is a very (!) isolated place, and the field seasons will be long. More details can be found in the advert: http://www.ieu.uzh.ch/staff/positions/PhD_hansen_20121001.pdf
Dennis Hansen, PhD Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies University of Zurich Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zurich Switzerland
- Diverses ofertes d'equips de la UICN [Ref. 103-15/9/2012]
Enllaç a l'oferta reunida per la SEBICOP (beques, premis, llocs de treball, etc.)
- Ph D en signatures químiques de recursos florals / Darmstadt [Ref. 102 - 23/1/2012]
Within the research program Exploratories for large-scale and long-term functional biodiversity, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), we seek a candidate to conduct research on "Chemical signatures of floral resource competition between honeybees and wild bees along a landuse gradient". The project will be co-supervised by Dr. Thomas Eltz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) and Prof. Dr. Nico Bl?thgen (TU Darmstadt). The field work will be conducted in three Exploratories located in Schorfheide/Chorin, Hainich/D?n, and Schw?bische Alb/M?nsingen. The general goal is to understand the effect of domesticated honeybees on foraging patterns and resource use of wild bees, especially bumblebees, and to clarify whether resource competition is influenced by land use intensity. The candidate will extract chemical "footprints" of bees from flowers, infer flower visitation from chemical data (GC/MS), and conduct competition experiments in the field.
The position will start in April 2012 for the duration of three years. Successful candidates should have a strong background in chemical ecology, entomology, or related fields, and should enjoy field work. A Diplom/M.Sc. degree in Biology or a related subject will be required. The position will be based at the Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum. A Driver's license is required, and having available an own car is useful. We expect the candidate to have good communication skills, some German language proficiency and the ability to work in a team.
The closing date for applications will be 17 February 2012. Applications should include a cover letter, C.V., list of publications, a short statement of research interests, and names and email-addresses of three references. Applications in German or English should be sent electronically by e-mail, preferably combined to a single pdf. We especially encourage women to apply. Physically handicapped persons will be given preference in case of equal qualifications. Further information can be found here: http://www.biodiversity-exploratories.de/1/projects/weitere-projekte/aboveground-invertebrates-related-studies/footprints/ http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Thomas.Eltz/. Please send your application to Dr. Thomas Eltz, Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, Lehrstuhl f?r Evolutions?kologie und Biodiversit?t der Tiere, Universit?tsstra?e 150, D-44780 Bochum, thomas.eltz@rub.de, Phone INT-(0)234-32-27237.
- PhD en evolució social de sistemes biològics, University of Sheffield [Ref. 101 - 23/1/2012]
Application closing date: Wednesday 25 January 2012.
The successful applicant(s) will investigate the application of social evolution theory to understanding pro and anti-social behaviour in a biological system or systems of their choice. Social systems span all ranges of biological complexity, from populations of single-celled organisms, to multi-cellular bodies, to societies of individuals. Of particular interest for the lab is the importance of social evolution theory for understanding many aspects of disease. The successful applicants will be encouraged to empirically study their chosen systems, either developing experiments themselves or in collaboration with experimental biologists, while ensuring that any experiments are motivated by and interpreted using a good understanding of the underlying theory. A representative recent theoretical publication from the Lab in this area is http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169534711001169
The ideal candidates will be biologically-inclined physical scientists (e.g. with first degrees in mathematics, physics or computer science) or numerate life scientists. Candidates should submit an application as described below including in their application a 500 word research proposal understandable to a non-specialist, and a 250 word explanation of why their skills, experience and plans for further research or study make them a particularly suitable candidate. Potential candidates are welcome to discuss their application informally with Dr James Marshall (james.marshall@shef.ac.uk). The studentship will cover the candidates' fees, as well as a stipend at a level determined by the candidate's background. Applications from UK home, EU home and international students are welcomed.
About the Behavioural and Evolutionary Theory Lab: The Behavioural and Evolutionary Theory Lab is an interdisciplinary collection of individuals interested in how and why behaviours evolve. We are interested in behaviours and behavioural mechanisms, and their evolutionary function. We apply a range of theoretical approaches, from mathematics and statistics, decision theory, computer science, and physics. Particular topics of interest are currently the evolution of social behaviour, such as altruism and cooperation, and optimal decision-making mechanisms in groups, such as social insects, and in individuals. The Lab is part of the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (http://www.shef.ac.uk/dcs), and is physically based in the interdisciplinary Kroto Research Institute
Applicants should apply using the online application form at: http://www.shef.ac.uk/postgraduate/research/apply
- Convocatòria Beatriu de Pinós 2011 (AGAUR) [Ref. 100 - 19/1/2012]
Anunci de 17/1/2012 de la imminent publicació dels ajuts per a estades postdoctorals corresponents a 2011 que apareixerà en els primers dies de 2012
Més informació: web de l'AGAUR
- Programa COST (UE) [Ref. 99 - 19/1/2012]
What does COST fund? - The support will cover the costs of networking activities such as meetings (e.g. travel, subsistence, local organiser support), conferences, workshops, short-term scientific exchanges, training schools, publications and dissemination activities. COST does not fund the research itself.
Límit: 30/3/2012
Més informació: web del programa COST
- Tècnic de recerca a la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares [Ref. 98 - 16/1/2012]
Se busca candidato para cubrir un contrato de técnico de investigación durante 16 meses en la Universidad de Alcalá (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid) a cargo del proyecto de investigación TOLERANCIA Y ESTRATEGIAS ECOFISIOLOGICAS DE LOS PINOS IBERICOS DURANTE LA FASE JUVENIL EN RESPUESTA AL ESTRES HIDRICO, LAS BAJAS TEMPERATURAS Y LA DISPONIBILIDAD DE NUTRIENTES (ECOLPIN, AGL2011-24296).
El objetivo del proyecto es conocer las estrategias ecofisiológicas de los pinos ibéricos en la fase juvenil en respuesta a factores de estrés abiótico. El último fin es establecer las bases ecofisiológicas que permitan explicar la distribución actual de las poblaciones naturales de pinos ibéricas y predecir su vulnerabilidad en futuros escenarios de cambio climático.
Los cometidos de la persona contratada serán poner en marcha y mantener los experimentos, realizar mediciones ecofisiológicas y procesar la información obtenida.
El lugar de trabajo será en el Departamento de Ecología de la Universidad de Alcalá y en el Departamento de Silvopascicultura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid bajo la dirección de Pedro Villar Salvador (http://www2.uah.es/pedrovillar/) y Juan Oliet (http://www.ecogesfor.org/ja_oliet.html). Ambos Departamentos forman parte del Doctorado oficial en Ecología. Conservación y Restauración de Ecosistemas (http://www2.uah.es/doctorado_ecologia/inicio.html) que tiene una mención hacia la excelencia por el Ministerio de Educación para los cursos 2011-2012 y 2012-2013.
La remuneración neta mensual será 1000 euros y el contrato comenzará a principios de marzo de 2012.
Los requisitos que deben cumplir los candidatos son:
1) Licenciado o Graduado en Biología, Ciencias Ambientales, Ingeniería de Montes o Agronomía, finalizado como muy tarde en 2010. 2) Expediente académico superior a 2,3. 3) Buen dominio hablado y escrito del inglés.
Además, se valorará:
- Estar en posesión o en fase de realización de un Máster. - Vocación demostrada por la investigación científica, por ejemplo, por haber realizado un proyecto de fin de carrera/grado o de máster cuya temática haya sido un tema de investigación. - Deseo de emprender una carrera profesional en investigación. - Espíritu de sacrificio, carácter disciplinado y capacidad de trabajar de forma autónoma. - Disponer del permiso de conducir B1.
Los candidatos interesados en el contrato deberán remitir su curriculum vitae con foto y dos cartas de referencia de profesores universitarios o investigadores con los que el candidato haya trabajado a Pedro Villar Salvador (pedro.villar@uah.es) antes del 10 de febrero de 2012. Los candidatos preseleccionados pueden serán convocados a una entrevista final en la Universidad de Alcalá.
- Projectes de 1-3 anys a la JRS Foundation [Ref. 97 - 12/1/2012]
The JRS Biodiversity Foundation is calling for pre-proposals for 1, 2 or 3 year projects that systematically gather and make widely available information required to realize conservation outcomes. No minimum or maximum funding limit has been established for individual grants, but JRS is allocating an amount of USD 1 million to fund this new call for each of the next 3 years. The Foundation seeks applications proposing projects to establish a clear connection and identifiable potential link to conservation outcomes. Pre-proposals should be submitted by 15 February 2012 via the JRS website. Application instructions are available at http://www.jrsbdf.org/v3/Applicants.asp For more information: www.jrsbdf.org
- Plaça al CEEB (Bangor, UK) [Ref. 96 - 28/11/2011]
CENTRE FOR EVIDENCE-BASED CONSERVATION SCHOOL OF THE ENVIRONMENT, NATURAL RESOURCES AND GEOGRAPHY Research Officer Salary: £29,972 - £35,788 (on Grade 7) p.a. Evidence synthesis to inform policy and practice in conservation and environmental management
Applications are invited for the above research post to work with Professor Andrew Pullin in the Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation (www.cebc.bangor.ac.uk). CEBC is recognised as a world leader in evidence-based practice in conservation and environmental management and we seek to appoint a talented individual to further strengthen our programme of research aimed at improving the use of science to inform environmental policy and practice.
The post-holder will contribute to an international programme of research on the utilisation of evidence synthesis at the science-policy interface. The successful applicant will possess a PhD in a relevant subject. They will have a publication record that demonstrates potential to successfully conduct and communicate research of international quality. They will also possess a strong interest in environment management and a good understanding of the environmental sector. The successful candidate will be expected to start by 1st February 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter and the post is available for 12 months.
Application forms and further particulars should be obtained by contacting Human Resources, Bangor University; tel: (01248) 382926/383865; e-mail: personnel@bangor.ac.uk; web: www.bangor.ac.uk
Please quote reference number 11-11/100 when applying.
Closing date for applications: 1.00 p.m. 30 November, 2011. Interviews will be held in early January 2012.
- 3 Places de Lector a la U. d'Exeter, UK. [Ref. 95 - 28/11/2011]
Three Lecturers in Behaviour/Conservation/Genetics
We are seeking three dynamic researchers to join our thriving team in the Centre for Ecology and Conservation (CEC). The CEC is based on Exeter's Cornwall Campus and is home to an outstanding group of whole organism biologists, with world leading research in conservation, ecology and behavioural, evolutionary, and molecular ecology. Our aim is to further link these and other research areas and develop multidisciplinary research programmes within the Centre and more broadly. We form part of Exeter's Bioscience team, which is a large discipline working from genes to cells to organisms to ecosystems. We are looking for three motivated, high quality researchers to complement our current CEC team and the staff at the Environment and Sustainability Institute, also on the Cornwall Campus.
Further details: https://jobs.exeter.ac.uk/hrpr_webrecruitment/wrd/run/ETREC107GF.open?VACANCY_ID=4944594dHX&WVID=3817591jNg&LANG=USA
Dr. Brendan J. Godley Associate Professor in Conservation Biology Centre for Ecology & Conservation University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus TR10 9EZ, UK Tel: +44 1326 371 861 http://biosciences.exeter.ac.uk/cec/ http://uk.linkedin.com/in/brendangodley http://www.seaturtle.org/mtrg/ Editor-in-Chief, Endangered Species Research http://www.int-res.com/journals/esr/
- Research Fellowship a Southampton, UK [Ref. 94 - 28/11/2011]
As part of the development of the Institute for Life Sciences at Southampton (http://www.southampton.ac.uk/ifls/index.page), there is an opportunity to appoint an ECR to a 5 year fellowship on ecosystem services. The fellowships will be tenure track potentially leading to a faculty appointment at the end of the fellowship. One of the theme areas is ecosystem services research which builds on recent appointments and success in this theme across the whole university. We are particularly interested in individuals able to address key topics such as food/water/energy security and willing to undertake multidisciplinary research.
Please can you circulate this to those whom you may feel suitably qualified to be considered for a fellowship. I am happy to receive applications/enquiries from qualified researchers. Many thanks,
Professor Guy Poppy DPhil CBiol FSB
Director of Multidisciplinary Research Director of University Strategic Research Groups
Professor Of Ecology Life Sciences Building Room 3009 University Of Southampton
44-2380 593217 gmp@soton.ac.uk
- Investigador en boscos i canvi climàtic/desenvolupament a Bonn [Ref. 93 - 14/11/2011]
The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut fur Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) offers a position as a researcher (m/f) on Forests in the context of Climate Change and Development. The person will carry out research on benefit-sharing and issues of social inclusion in thecontext of REDD+ (reducing emissions from forest degradation and deforestation) as well as on the topic of forests in the international climate negotiations in the context of the BMZ-funded project ClimateChange and Development. The Duty Station will be Bonn, Germany. Deadline for Applications is November 18, 2011. If you have any questions please contact Dr. Fariborz Zelli (fariborz.zelli@die-gdi.de) or Mr. Hannes Hotz (hannes.hotz@die-gdi.de)
- Tècnic de Camp a Doñana [Ref. 92 - 7/11/2011]
CONTRATO TÉCNICO DE CAMPO - Se busca un técnico de campo para desarrollar un proyecto experimental en la Reserva Biológica de Doñana subvencionado por el Consejo Europeo de Investigación. El proyecto tiene como objetivo estudiar experimentalmente los servicios ecológicos de polinización y control biológico proporcionados por redes de interacción planta-polinizador-parasitoide de diferentes complejidades. Se descompone en dos fases. En la primera fase, el técnico deberá instalar y mantener trampas-nido e identificar las especies de hospededores (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) y parasitoides que alberguen. En la segunda fase, el técnico deberá instalar y supervisar parcelas experimentales que albergarán diferentes redes ensambladas en la fase anterior. Las tareas a desarrollar involucran el mantenimiento de nidos-trampas y parcelas experimentales, la identificación de especies de insectos, la obtención e identificación de granos de polen y la medición de producción de frutos en plantas y fracción de insectos parasitados. La persona contratada trabajaría estrechamente con un estudiante de doctorado co-dirigido por Jordi Bascompte (EBD-CSIC) y Jason Tylianakis (Universidad de Canterbury, Nueva Zelanda) en el seno de un grupo de investigación internacional. Requiere carnet de conducir y flexibilidad para pasar temporadas en la Reserva Biológica de Doñana. Se valorará positivamente la facilidad de expresión en inglés para facilitar la colaborar con miembros internacionales del grupo. Interesados, enviar un CV, carta de motivación y los nombres y direcciones de e-mail de tres referencias a Jordi Bascompte (bascompte@ebd.csic.es) antes del 30 de Noviembre del 2011.
- Convocatòria ICREA Acadèmia, Generalitat de Catalunya [Ref. 91 - 7/11/2011]
Es convoca el Programa ICREA Acadèmia amb la finalitat d'incentivar i recompensar l'excellència investigadora del personal docent i investigador (PDI) doctor amb vinculació permanent a les universitats públiques de Catalunya. Es tracta d'un programa d'intensificació de la recerca destinat exclusivament al professorat universitari que fa recerca a la universitat i, molt especialment, al que es troba en fase plenament activa i d'expansió de la seva activitat investigadora. Es contribueix així a la intensificació de la recerca i a la retenció de talent investigador dins del sistema universitari de Catalunya.
Més informació: web de ICREA
- Plaça postdoctoral per al banc de granes, University of Minnesota [Ref. 90 - 5/10/2011]
Postdoctoral Associate, Project Baseline: a seed bank for the study of evolution. We seek a 75% time Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Biology at the University of Minnesota Duluth to participate in a collaborative project to create a new resource for detecting evolutionary change in plants. The Postdoctoral Associate will be primarily located in Duluth, MN (http://www.duluthmn.travel/request-info/2011/duluth-in-the-news.pdf) but will coordinate with the PIs and Field Crew Managers to conduct seed collections in three US regions in the west (Susan Mazer, UCSB), midwest (Julie Etterson, U of MN Duluth and Ruth Shaw U of MN Twin Cities), and east (Steve Franks, Fordham University). The appointment will initially be for one year and may be renewed for a total of up to 36 months; the preferred start date is no later than November 15, 2011. The base salary is $37,333 (75%-time $28,000) and includes healthcare and other benefits. Project Baseline: The goal of this project is to create a nationwide seed bank of wild populations to be preserved for the next 10-50 years at the National Germplasm Conservation Lab in Fort Collins, CO. This resource will enable assessments of both rapid and long-term responses to climate change and facilitate investigation of the genetic basis of adaptation. We will also create a GIS database of population and environmental information that will be useful in a wide variety of ecological and conservation applications. For more information on the project, see Franks et al. 2008, The resurrection initiative: Storing ancestral genotypes to capture evolution in action. BioScience 58: 870-873. Job responsibilities: The Postdoctoral Associate will be responsible for promoting and developing the Project Baseline seed collections. The Postdoctoral Associate will be expected to communicate about the project to the general public and the scientific community and to encourage public participation through presentations, informational materials to be made available on-line, workshops, publications, a newsletter, and the Project Baseline web page. The Postdoctoral Associate will be responsible for designing seed collections including: obtaining species lists for appropriate sites, identifying populations within these sites through communication with site managers, finalizing collection lists, obtaining collecting permits, and developing collaborative relationships with on site individuals who can monitor plant phenology, and developing and testing specific protocols for collecting environmental data, monitoring flowering phenology, and collecting and shipping seeds. The Postdoctoral Associate will establish relationships with the PIs and participate in training the seed collection crews. Data will be sent from field crews to the Postdoctoral Associate who will develop databases compatible with GRIN (National Genetic Resources Program) and use GIS technology to produce maps that report locations of seed collection sites; record climate data; and archive other data associated with project development. Effective communication with herbarium and Germplasm Conservation Lab staff will be maintained to assure that samples are properly vouchered and preserved. This position offers opportunities to design an independent project compatible with Project Baseline's goals and seek additional funding to increase the position to full-time, as well as to participate in other career-development activities. Qualifications: Essential qualifications include Ph.D. and three years experience in plant ecology, botany, or evolution or other relevant fields; strong organizational, writing, and field skills, including GIS, database development, vegetation and environmental sampling, plant identification, excellent writing and communication skills. Preferred qualifications include experience in a long-term research and outreach programs and experience writing research proposals. Candidates with career interests in research and/or teaching at all types of institutions or working in environmental management through governmental agencies, consulting firms or nonprofit organizations are all welcome. Application process: Applications should include a cover letter with current contact information, CV, summary of research interests and skills, and the names and addresses of three referees. The University of Minnesota requires that you apply online for this position. For a complete position description and information on how to apply online, visit http://employment.umn.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=96634, and search for Job Requisition #173282. Complete applications will be reviewed beginning October 15, 2011. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
- Plaça postdoctoral a la Universitat de Turku [Ref. 89 - 14/9/2011]
We have a postdoc position open in our project on coevolution of plant-herbivore interactions in a fragmented landscape. The position will be based at the University of Turku with opportunities to spend some time also at the University of Oxford and ETH Zurich. Attached the ad for more information. Please feel free to distribute the ad to people who might be interested.
Dr Roosa Leimu Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RB, UK roosa.leimu@plants.ox.ac.uk, +44-1865-2-75020
- FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Technical Officer (Biodiversity and Environment) [Ref. 88 - 6/9/2011]
The mandate of the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) covers all components of biodiversity of relevance to food and agriculture. The Commission provides the permanent forum for governments to discuss and negotiate matters specifically relevant to biological diversity for food and agriculture. Cognizant that genetic resources for food and agriculture are a common concern of all countries, in that all countries depend on genetic resources for food and agriculture that originated elsewhere, the Commission strives to halt the loss of genetic resources for food and agriculture, and to ensure world food security and sustainable development by promoting their conservation, sustainable use, including exchange, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from their use.
This is an advert for a vacancy for the position of Global Project Manager for the FSC/GEF project "Expanding Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)Certification at Landscape Level through incorporating additional Ecosystem Services"
The consultant in his/her position of Project Manager will be responsible for coordinating and supporting the implementation of the project which aims at improving and promoting sustainable forest management for a range of ecosystem services through the medium of FSC *certification*
Job offer can be downloaded from FSC website http://www.fsc.org/careers.html?&L=8
- Dues places a l'European Forest Institute (França) [Ref. 87 - 6/9/2011]
The European Forest Institute announces the following two vacancies for positions based at its regional office EFICENT-OEF in France
a) Manager of the Observatory for European Forests at EFICENT-OEF, Nancy, France<http://www.efi.int/files/attachments/human_resources/2411_oef_manager.pdf>
b) Project Leader (Senior Researcher) on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management at EFICENT-OEF, Nancy, France<http://www.efi.int/files/attachments/human_resources/2311_oef_project_leader.pdf>
Please see the above linked PDF documents for more detailed information.
- Ph.D. position in plant systematics and evolution at the Institute of Botany of the University of Regensburg (Germany) [Ref. 86 - 3/5/2011]
Position description: A 3-years Ph.D. position is presently available in the area of plant systematics and evolution at the Institute of Botany of the University of Regensburg, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler (http://www.biologie.uniregensburg. de/Botanik/Oberprieler/index.html) and in co-operation with Dr. Robert Vogt (Botanic Garden & Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem). The salary will be according the TV-L E13/2. The Ph.D. project will focus on the evolution of polyploidy in the genus Leucanthemum (Compositae, Anthemideae) and will use this genus of around 40 species distributed in southern and central Europe as a model to investigate the genetic, genomic, biogeographical and ecological consequences of polyploidy. Work packages envisaged will comprise (a) expression studies of genes in diploid and polyploid members, (b) the phylogeography of species and species groups of this genus, and (c) the taxonomical treatment of the genus in S France and Italy based on morphological, cytological, and molecular evidence. The project will complement a presently ongoing Ph.D. project dealing with the phylogeny of the genus throughout its whole geographical range. The project will include travelling throughout S Europe to collect plant material in natural populations. Deadline for application: May 15, 2011. If needed, the position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. Starting date: July 1, 2011 Requirements: Applicants are expected to have their Masters/Diploma degree by the start of the Ph.D. project. Good knowledge of English and German are highly desirable. The ideal candidate will have documented experience in one or more of the following areas: molecular biology, expression techniques, phylogeny reconstruction, population genetics, and botanical field work (including the possession of a driver´s licence). The selected candidate will be a member of the Regensburg International Graduate School of Biological Sciences (RIGeL; http://www.biologie.uni-regensburg.de/RIGeL/index.html). How to apply: Please send you application including (a) an application letter addressing your motives for application and your career goals, (b) a detailed CV including a detailed list of molecular, analytical, linguistic, and field work skills, presentations at scientific meetings, and publications (if applicable), and (c) addresses of two academic advisors who could comment on your skills, your dedication to science, and your ability to work cooperatively in a team.
Please, send applications by email to: Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler Institut für Botanik Universität Regensburg Universitätsstr. 31 D-93053 Regensburg Germany phone +49-(0)941-9433129 fax +49-(0)941-9433106
- Vacants al UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre [Ref. 85 - 9/4/2011]
1. Programme Officer, Marine Assessment & Decision Support programme working mainly on the Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact On European Seas (HERMIONE) project
2. Senior Programme Officer, Business, Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services programme working on development & implementation of projects on risk assessment, biodiversity and ecosystems services indicators and metrics, & mitigation including environmental safeguards and offsets.
Please see: http://new.unep-wcmc.org/vacancies--careers_39.html for further details
- Masters in Conservation Leadership at University of Cambridge: Possible Scholarships [Ref. 84 - 9/4/2011]
It is expected that a number of scholarships will be available for outstanding international applicants from countries rich in biodiversity and poor in financial resources to follow the MPhil in Conservation Leadership at the University of Cambridge during the academic year 2011/2012. We expect to confirm the availability of these scholarships in May 2011.
The number and size of the scholarships will vary from full scholarships, to partial scholarships that cover specific aspects of the funding package required by students. Offers of scholarships will be made based on: academic quality; the motivation and potential of candidates to become conservation leaders; the funds applicants already have available for the course.
Interested and well-qualified applicants with 3-5 years of relevant experience who have not yet applied for a place on the Masters course need to do so through the Cambridge University Board of Graduate Studies by 29 April 2011 (for further details of the application procedure and links tothe Board of Graduate Studies, see http://www.geog.cam.ac.uk/graduate/mphil/conservation/applications.html)
If you wish to be considered for full or partial scholarship support, please e-mail or attach a letter of not more than 500 words to the Programme Administrator (admin.conservationleadership@geog.cam.ac.uk) by 29 April 2011. In making their case for scholarship support, candidates should outline the funds that they have available, and any funds that they still require to ensure they can take up their place on the course.
- Beques "Martin Escudero" per estades de recerca a l'estranger [Ref. 83 - 4/4/2011]
La Fundación Alfonso Martín Escudero ha obert la convocatòria de 45 beques per a realitzar treballs de recerca en universitats o centres de recerca estrangers sobre Ciències de la Salut, Tecnologia dels Aliments, Agricultura i Ramaderia, Ciències del Mar i Conservació de la Natura. Els candidats han de tenir nacionalitat espanyola i posseir el títol de doctor en qualsevol universitat espanyola o d'especialitat en FIR, MIR, BIR, QUIR o Radiofísica Hospitalària. En cas de tenir un títol d'una universitat estrangera s'haurà d'acreditar la convalidació o reconeixement del títol. Podeu trobar informació completa sobre la convocatòria a la pàgina web: http://www.fundame.org/.
El termini per a la presentació de sol·licituds finalitza el 9 de maig de 2011.
- Convocatòria de Beques "Marie Curie" 7th FP / UE [Ref. 82 - 28/3/2011]
Convocatòria relativa a beques Marie Curie de sortida a tercers països per al desenvolupament professional. Convocatòria relativa a beques internacionals d'acollida Marie Curie. Convocatòria relativa a beques intraeuropees Marie Curie per al desenvolupament professional.
- Convocatòria d'ajuts de la Fundación Biodiversidad [Ref. 81 - 18/3/2011]
Convocatoria de concesión de ayudas para la realización de actividades en el ámbito de la Biodiversidad, el Cambio Climático y el Desarrollo Sostenible.
El plazo para la presentación de proyectos finaliza el 31 de agosto de 2011.
IMPORTANTE: Toda la documentación referida para esta Convocatoria se requiere en formato digital, en soporte CD, DVD o memoria USB
- Beques per a estudiants (Escola d'Estiu a Grècia) [Ref. 80 - 16/3/2011]
The Europe Section of the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB-ES) invites all undergraduate and early postgraduate students from all over Europe, including Turkey to take part in the Greek summer school: "Conservation Biology in Europe: Building a coherent strategy for the future" to be held in Papingo, Greece, 26 June - 9 July 2011. The School is an Erasmus Intensive Programme organized by the University of Ioannina (Prof. V. Kati) and funded by State Scholarship Foundation ? IKY. The two week course is designed for 18 students, of whom 15 are coming from the five Universities taking part in the Erasmus IP. *Three more students from all over Europe* will receive a grant from the SCB Europe Section, covering the following costs:
1. A grant of 300 euros from for each SCB participant
2. Transport upon arrival and departure from Ioannina town to the residence site (Papingo)
3. Welcome Dinner at arrival date
4. Field transport, field excursions, all tuition fees and use of research equipment
5. One year membership to the Society for Conservation Biology + membership to the European Section + online Subscription to Conservation Biology Journal
SCB-students should cover their accommodation, travel expenses to Ioannina, medical insurance and any other cost not mentioned above. The cost for accommodation (sharing a room for three), breakfast and one meal per day will be approx. 40 EUR per day (550 EUR for the whole duration of the summer school).
Don't miss this opportunity of building your future career in conservation biology! Deadline for application: 31/3/2011 - Register online: www.cbcd.eu/gss
- Gestor de dades (Cumbria, UK) - [Ref. 79 - 16/3/2011]
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre - Biological Data Officer €19,621 20,858 Full time for 12 months with the expectation of extension should funding be secured Closing date 12 noon on 25 March 2011 Location Carlisle, Cumbria, UK
The Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre at Tullie House Museum, Carlisle is looking for someone with proven interpersonal and IT skills to maintain and develop data management systems for computerised ecological data sets. This challenging role will include liaising on technical issues with suppliers of biodiversity data; maintaining the Recorder 6 database and GIS systems used to store biological records and site data; and reporting, analysing and mapping the data for our users. A sound IT knowledge is essential. You will be familiar with commonly used software for biological data storage and management including GIS and be competent with data manipulation. Some knowledge of natural history would be an advantage, as would experience of Access and SQL Server. You should have a first degree in a relevant subject and relevant professional work experience. You will have strong communication skills and the ability to work independently but also as part of a small team. Tullie House Museum is in the process of transferring to charitable trust status.
For more details and an application form please visit:
- PhD en Biologia de la Conservació (Universitat de Lund, Suècia) [Ref. 78 - 5/3/2011]
Type of employment: Limit of tenure, 4 years Extent: 100 % Location: Center for Environmental and Climate Research, Environmental Science, Lund First day of employment: As soon as possible Official Records Number: NPA 2011/54
Project title: Mitigating decline of wild plant pollination in agricultural landscapes.
This PhD project is part of a multidisciplinary research program that will investigate ways agri-environmental measures may best be used to preserve wild plant pollination in agricultural landscapes. Pollinators have faced serious declines in farmland during the past centuries and there are fears that crop pollination may be at risk. Less focus has been on consequences for pollination of wild plants. However, pollinator declines may be one reason for the decline of many plants in farmland. This project will focus on the importance of pollinators for wild plant pollination in farmed landscapes and on measures to mitigate the declines of pollinators and wild plant pollination. The project will determine if there is parallel variation in pollinator communities and pollination success of focal plant species. In particular, we will focus on the consequences of changes in community composition of pollinators,e.g. through spill-over effects from agriculturally subsidised generalist pollinators into conservation areas. Furthermore, use of feral pollinators is one way to mitigate effects of loss of the ecosystem service crop pollination; here we will study if this has consequences also for the pollination of wild plants. The work will range from landscape-wide surveys of plants and pollinators to detailed experiments on the dependency of wild plants oninsect pollination and consequences of community composition for wild plant pollination. An important part of the project will be to evaluate the possible consequences of agri-environment schemes (and other agri-environmental measures) on pollinators and subsequently on wild plant pollination, to propose cost-efficient ways to mitigatedeterioration of wild plant pollination in agricultural landscapes.
The project is a collaboration with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, and will link to the collaboration with the foremost pollinator ecologists in the European project STEP- Status and Trends of European Pollinators (www.step-project.net).
Eligibility/Entry Requirements Basic eligibility to education at PhD level requires a university exam at advanced level, with fulfilled course requirements of at least 240 university credits (högskolepoäng), of which at least 60 should be at advanced level. Highest priority is given applicants with a masters degree in environmental science, biology or similar (e.g. agronomy). Courses in ecology, conservation biology and GIS are considered a merit. Driving license is required. Good ability to plan own studies and to understand ecological theory are important skills. The applicant must be able to work both individually and in team, be able to start collaborations and be prepared for flexible working time.
Basis of Assessment Regulations concerning appointment as a full doctoral student can be found in SFS 1998:80. Those who hold a scholarship must first be accepted for postgraduate studies. The candidates will be selected from among the qualified applicants based on their ability to carry out postgraduate studies. In addition to pursuing postgraduate studies, the doctoral student may also perform other duties - including research, teaching and administration according to the specific regulations.
For further information please contact: Henrik Smith, Professor +46 46 222 93 79 Henrik.Smith@zooekol.lu.se
Labour union SACO: Mats Cedervall +46 46 2227516 Mats.Cedervall@eit.lth.se
OFR/S: Rita Nilsson +46 46 2229362 st@st.lu.se
Last Day of Applying 2011-03-17
- Convocatòria de Projectes Hermès 2011 (100k€/projecte) [Ref.77 - 5/3/2011]
The Fondation d'entreprise Hermès is furthering its commitment to the support of local skills and biodiversity, with a call for expert research projects and field initiatives. The scheme will support innovative approaches to the interface between local producers and consumers. Call for research proposals "Biodiversity and local knowledge: Promoting innovation in producer/consumer interfaces"
Informació a http://www.fondationdentreprisehermes.org/eng-GB/projet/1199/Biodiversity-and-local-skills.htm
- Beca del NHI per a fer la tesi doctoral [Ref.76 - 3/3/2011]
Beca Predoctoral del NIH per a 4 anys (inclou Master) Lloc: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Dept. BABVE, Lab Fisiologia Vegetal Director: Charlotte Poschenrieder Projecte: "The Genetic basis of Natural Ionomic Variation" finançat per National Institute of Health (NIH), USA Inici: 1 maig 2011 (durada 4 anys) Perfil: Busquem llicenciat/da o graduat/da en Biologia (o afí) interessat/da en realitzar tesi doctoral en temàtica de ecofisiologia que implica treball de camp en l'àrea de la Costa Brava, imprescindible carnet de conduir i cotxe propi. Es valora experiència en treball de camp i interès en genètica molecular de plantes. Interessats contactar urgentment amb Charlotte Poschenrieder, Lab. Fisiologia Vegetal, Facultat de Biociències, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, telèfon 935812163; e-mail: charlotte.poschenrieder@uab.es
- Beques "Alfred Toepfer" per a estades d'estudiants a àrees protegides europees [Ref. 75 - 14/2/2011]
Nature Scholarship Provides Chances for Young European Conservationists
The Alfred Toepfer Natural Heritage Scholarships 2011 are now open for applications. The €3000, donated by the Alfred Toepfer Foundation, gives successful scholars the chance to gather experience and strengthen their networks. The deadline for applications is Friday 20 May 2011.
- Encàrrec d'organització de col·loqui sobre Juniperus thurifera (França) [Ref. 74 - 9/2/2011]
CHARGE(E) DE MISSION COLLOQUE THURIFERE Organisation du IVeme Colloque international sur le Genévrier thurifère et espèces affines CONTEXTE ET MISSIONS Sous la responsabilité du Président de la Communauté de communes du Guillestrois, vous serez chargé(e) de l’organisation du IVeme Colloque international sur le Genévrier thurifère et espèces affines de Saint-Crépin et Mont-Dauphin (http://www.colloquethurifere2011.fr). Vous travaillerez au sein du Pôle Economie, Coopération et Aménagement du Territoire de la Communauté de communes du Guillestrois. MISSION - Sensibiliser et mobiliser le public et les partenaires institutionnels sur le projet - Monter et suivre les dossiers techniques, administratifs et financiers - Suivre et coordonner la mise en oeuvre : gestion de tous les aspects organisationnels du colloque - Organiser la promotion externe du projet : conception et diffusion de supports de communication, notamment gestion du site Internet dédié ; - Organiser la participation et la coordination des différents partenaires impliqués : animation du comité d’organisation et relation avec les partenaires - Assurer le suivi et l’évaluation du projet : rapports d’activité (état d’avancement, bilan financier,…) PROFIL - Vous parlez couramment anglais (l’espagnol sera un plus apprécié) ; - Vous avez une formation supérieure dans les domaines scientifiques ou techniques à dominante environnementale, et/ou une formation et expérience en gestion et organisation événementielle ; - Vous avez de bonnes connaissances de la conduite de projets et de réelles capacités en animation de réunions : vos capacités de dialogue sont avérées ; - Vous maîtrisez l’ensemble des outils bureautiques et informatiques (vous savez alimenter un site Internet) ; - Autonome, vous gérez vos missions, votre budget et l'organisation de votre travail, tout en étant capable de vous intégrer au fonctionnement d’une équipe ; - Vous êtes réactif et capable de solliciter les compétences techniques locales le cas échéant. INFORMATIONS COMPLEMENTAIRES - Contrat de travail : CDD 6 mois ; - Poste à temps complet (35 h) : équivalent plein temps à répartir sur 7/8 mois en fonction de la charge de travail ; - Salaire : selon grille indiciaire de la fonction publique territoriale (environ 1500€ bruts) ; - Lieu de travail : Guillestre ; - Permis de conduire indispensable ; - Poste à pourvoir début avril. Candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) à adresser par courrier postal ou par Email (avec accusé de réception) à : M. le Président Communauté de communes du Guillestrois Passage des Ecoles – BP12 05600 GUILLESTRE developpement@guillestrois.com Pour plus de renseignements sur le poste, veuillez contacter Agnès Vivat 04 92 44 05 39 natura@guillestrois.com Date limite de réception des candidatures : 15 mars 2011.
- Beques FPI del Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació (Espanya) [Ref 073 - 9/2/2011]
S'ha obert la convocatòria de beques de Formació de Personal Investigador (FPI) del MCINN de 2011.
Enllaç a la convocatòria - web del MCINN
- PhD a la Universitat de Tübingen (Alemanya) [Ref 072- 4/2/2011]
Many grassland plant species depend on generalist pollinators for reproduction. Therefore, their fitness depends not only on their own traits (e.g. attractiveness) but also on their neighbor's traits. Such indirect effects range from negative to positive, i.e. neighbor presence may decrease or increase the number of visiting pollinators. Because pollinators take decisions at different spatial scales, neighbor effects may also change with species density and spatial pattern. As part of this project we are looking for an enthusiastic person who will use theoretical considerations as well as the accumulated data from several field works to create a simulation model which will help us understand the system further. The focus of the model will mainly be to study how pollination preferences and grassland initial composition change the outcome of pollination services at the individual and community levels. Although the focus of the work will be theoretical, the student is encouraged to use field measurements and experiments to supply information and validate the model. The position is part of a larger project that studies the effect of shared pollinators on plant community composition along productivity gradients using theoretical and empirical approaches. Requirements: The candidate should have previous experience in modeling, preferably spatial explicit/grid based models. Analytical ability and high motivation for independent work are desirable. Team spirit is extremely important. The project is expected to start in April 2011 and will be funded for 30 months. For more information please contact Dr. Merav Seifan +49-7071-2978814; merav.seifan@uni-tuebingen.de. Interested candidates are requested to send their application, outlining their motivation and suitability to Dr. Merav Seifan, Plant Ecology department, Institute for Evolution and Ecology, Tübingen University. Merav.seifan@uni-tuebingen.de
- Professor Assistent en Conservació- UNESP (Brasil) [Ref 071, 31/1/2011]
Concurso a una plaza de profesor asistente Doctor en la UNESP de Brasil. Más información: Dr. Mauro Galetti Laboratório de Biologia da Conservação Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) Departamento de Ecologia, CP 199 13506-900 Rio Claro, SP, Brasil Fone: +55 19 35269116 Cel: 19 98141317 http://web.me.com/galetti/Labic/Welcome.html
- Encàrrec per a conservació de flora i lluita contra invasives al Conservatoire Botanique (Besançon, França) [Ref. 070, 26/1/2011)
Le Conservatoire botanique national de Franche-Comté, association loi 1901, créé en 2003 et agréé par le Ministère depuis août 2007, assure des missions dans les domaines suivants : - connaissance et suivi de la flore sauvage et des habitats naturels et semi-naturels, - conservation de leurs éléments rares et menacés, - appui technique et expertise, dans ses domaines de compétence, auprès de l’Etat, de ses établissements publics et des collectivités territoriales, - information et éducation du public à la connaissance et à la préservation de la diversité végétale. Fort du soutien de l’Etat, de l’Europe, de la Région et d’autres collectivités, il est doté d’une équipe de douze salariés. Afin de faire face à l’accroissement de ses activités en matière de conservation de la flore menacée et à de nouvelles missions dans la lutte contre les espèces végétales exotiques envahissantes, il souhaite recruter un agent supplémentaire. Missions Sous l’autorité du Directeur et du Directeur scientifique et sous la responsabilité des coordinateurs scientifiques et techniques « invasives » et « conservation », vos missions vous conduiront à informer, sensibiliser les collectivités et les propriétaires, à rechercher les gestionnaires adaptés à chaque station, à encadrer le cas échéant certains chantiers de restauration, de lutte ou d’entretien, à assurer le suivi de population de chaque taxon considéré. Vous participerez également à la rédaction des plans de lutte et des plans régionaux de conservation et à l’organisation de formations vers des personnels techniques à la prise de conscience et à la lutte contre les plantes invasives. Profil et qualification recherchés • Connaissances en invasives, en conservation, en restauration et en gestion de la nature. • Connaissances de la réglementation, des politiques publiques et des outils contractuels relatifs à la protection de la nature. • Bonnes compétences scientifiques en botanique et, si possible, en phytosociologie. • Pratique de la cartographie de terrain. • Bonne pratique des logiciels de SIG (MapInfo) et des GPS. • Capacités éprouvées de négociation et de concertation. • Forte capacité de travail, autonomie et motivation. • Sens du travail en équipe. • Permis B exigé. Nature du poste Le poste devra être pourvu le plus rapidement possible. Il sera basé au siège du Conservatoire à Besançon, mais de nombreux déplacements sont à prévoir. Contrat à durée indéterminée après une période d’essai de deux mois, sous le régime de la convention collective nationale de l’animation (groupe D), avec une prime de fin d’année (« treizième mois ») et une mutuelle d’entreprise. Modulation annuelle du temps de travail, avec un temps hebdomadaire annuel moyen de 33 heures. Salaire à négocier en fonction de l’expérience. Modalités du recrutement Le dossier de candidature, comprenant une lettre de motivation et un CV détaillé, fera apparaître la compétence et l’expérience du candidat dans les domaines d’activités visés. Il sera envoyé par courrier postal. Les dossiers de candidature seront acceptés jusqu’au 11 février 2011. Les candidats retenus par le jury seront invités à venir présenter leur candidature. Contact Conservatoire botanique national de Franche-Comté Maison de l’environnement – 7 rue Voirin 25000 BESANCON
- 3 llocs postodcorals en conservació i serveis dels ecosistemes (Suècia) [Ref. 069, 17/1/2011)
Please notify potential candidates of our announcement for 3 Post doc positions for research on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services in multifunctional agricultural landscapes. We invite applications for 3 two-year post-doctoral positions for research on biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services in multifunctional agricultural landscapes. The positions are part of the project "SAPES - Multifunctional Agriculture: Harnessing Biodiversity for Sustaining Agricultural Production and Ecosystem Services" (http://www.lu.se/o.o.i.s/23810). The project is a collaboration between three Swedish universities: Lund University, Stockholm University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
We invite applicants for the following positions:
* Postdoctoral position: Biodiversity and biological control
* Postdoctoral position: Linking biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes (see http://www.su.se/english/about/vacancies/post-doctoral-positions/postdoctoral-researcher-fellowship-in-landscape-ecology-1.10621)
* Post doctoral position: Linking soil ecosystem services and agricultural land use (see http://www.naturvetenskap.lu.se/o.o.i.s/26278)
SAPES aims at determining the consequences of agricultural land-use at multiple scales on biodiversity, and the ability of interacting below-and above-ground communities of organisms to produce ecosystem services. We explore opportunities for integrating biodiversity conservation with agricultural production to benefit ecosystem services. The post docs will collaborate to produce scale dependent production functions linking land use to ecosystem service delivery, in order to understand trade-offs and synergies among multiple services and with biodiversity conservation. The ecological models will furthermore be combined with economic and governance models to value ecosystem services and predict how alternative governance regimes will affect land use, biodiversity and services under future scenarios. The positions form part of a strong interdisciplinary research environment that generates cutting-edge research to promote sustainable agriculture.
Riccardo Bommarco, PhD http://www.slu.se/ecology/riccardobommarco Department of Ecology Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Box 7044, SE-750 07 Uppsala, SWEDEN Phone +46-(0)18-672423, Fax +46-(0)18-672890
- Posició postodcoral en ecologia del paisatge i de la pol·linització (UK) [Ref. 068, 17/1/2011)
Research Fellow in pollinator and landscape ecology
We are seeking a postdoctoral ecologist to join a project on the effects of agricultural practices and land use change on pollinator and wildflower communities, as part of a UK ?Insect Pollinator Initiative? funded project. The research will focus on selecting and surveying a set of representative landscapes across Britain, and assessing land management, floral resources and pollinator populations at each site. The researcher will help supervise a set of local research assistants working in each of 6 focal regions, coordinating the collection of data and specimens, and helping compile and analyse the results. S/he will also help analyse the relationship between pollinator diversity change and land use change across Britain. The research will involve extensive collaboration with other project staff here in Leeds and across the country, and with stakeholders involved in agriculture, conservation, bee-keeping and land-use policy. Good skills in plant and pollinator identification and in landscape ecology would be helpful in this role; strong organisational, analytical and communication skills are essential. The job will last for 36 months, ideally beginning in May 2011. University Grade 7 (29,853 - 35,646)
For informal enquiries, please contact: Prof. William Kunin (E-mail: w.e.kunin@leeds.ac.uk Telephone: +44 (0)113 343 2857) To apply on line please visit http://www.leeds.ac.uk/universityjobs, click on the Jobs, and then search for job reference: 316009. Alternatively, application packs are available from the Faculty Staff Recruitment Office, tel: +44 (0) 113 343 2250, email fbsjobs@leeds.ac.uk. Closing date for applications: 3 February 2011
- 3 places de Ph D a la Universitat d'Oldenburg (Alemanya) [Ref. 067, 17/1/2011)
Plant functional traits - responses to environmental factors and effects on ecosystem functions in coastal ecosystems The Landscape Ecology Group at the Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in Germany invites applications for 3 PhD positions (0.5 E13 TVL) to study responses of plants to environmental conditions as well as effects of plants on ecosystem properties based on their functional traits. The project “Plant functional traits - Responses to environmental factors and effects on ecosystem functions in coastal ecosystems” is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the collaborative research unit “Sustainable Coastal Land Management: Trade-offs in EcoSystem Services”. The research objective is to understand the response of ecophysiological and regenerative traits of plant species and communities to changes in fresh water availability, salt water intrusion and land use as well as effects of plant traits on ecosystem functions such as nutrient and water cycling, wave attenuation, land-atmosphere gas exchange or plant – animal interactions. Traits will be classified into response and effect traits depending on whether they respond to the environment and/or affect ecosystem properties. The three PhD-positions will cover different aspects of this programme. The field work will take place at three different sites in The Netherlands, Northwest Germany and Denmark, together with our partners at the Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology and at the University of Aarhus. Data analysis and paper writing will be done at the University of Oldenburg. The project is expected to start in April 2011 and will be funded for 3 years. Successful candidates are required to have a master or diploma degree in the field of vegetation science / landscape ecology / plant biology, to be able to work independently, and to be fluent in English language. Oldenburg University is an equal opportunity employer. Women or disabled persons are given priority over legally unprivileged applicants with an equal suitability, qualification and specialised knowledge. Oldenburg is a city with about 150000 inhabitants in Northwest Germany, close to the North Sea. The university with more than 10000 students covers nearly all fields of science and arts. The PhD-students are expected to take part in the PhD program ‘Environmental Sciences’ of the Oldenburg Graduate School ‘Science and Technology’. Closing date: 15 February 2011. Please send your application to: Prof. Dr. Michael Kleyer, Landscape Ecology Group, Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences, University of Oldenburg, P.O. Box 2503, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany. E-mail: michael.kleyeruni-oldenburg.de.
- Contracte de professor contractat temporal de Botànica (Universitat de Barcelona) [Ref. 066, 26/11/2010]
Ha estat convocada amb data d'ahir una plaça de Professor associat (6+6) - contractat temporal a la Unitat de Botànica de la Facultat de Farmàcia de la Universitat de Barcelona
Resolució (Diari oficial DOGC 25/11/2010)
Data límit de presentació de sol·licituds: 15 de desembre de 2010
- Contracte post-doctoral a la Universitat de Tübingen (Alemanya) . [Ref. 065, 25/11/2010]
The working group for Plant Ecology at the University of Tübingen is looking for a Post-doctoral Research Assistant Tariff 13 TV-L for Plant Ecology, for an initial period of three years, with the possibility of an extension. The applicant is expected to develop and conduct own research projects, including supervision of graduate and undergraduate students. In addition, the position includes teaching duties in Ecology and Evolution of plants equivalent to 4 hours per week during the semester. The position is thus similar to that of an assistant professor. We are looking for an ecologist with excellent theoretical knowledge in the field of plant ecology, with a focus on population- and community ecology of plants and experience in a wide range of methods. The candidate should hold a Ph.D. in ecology, conservation biology or a related field, Postdoctoral experience is highly welcome. We expect the candidate to develop her/his research agenda in collaboration with our group. We are mainly working on biotic interactions within the framework of global change and with a focus on evolutionary questions (see http://www.uni-tuebingen.de//uni/bbv/). The candidate should have a strong conceptual approach to ecological questions and should have a profound knowledge of biostatistics and experimental design. In addition, botanical knowledge and/or knowledge in mathematical modeling is welcome. Please send applications including a letter of interest, a short vision of research concept and teaching philosophy, CV including list of publications and potential teaching experience, as well as names and addresses of at least three references to Prof. Dr. Katja Tielbörger (katja.tielboerger@uni-tuebingen.de), to whom also inquiries should be addressed. Deadline for applications is January 25, 2011 or until position is filled.
- PhD en desenvolupament sostenible i conservació de la biodiversitat a Romania [Ref 064-25/11/2010]
Asking for expressions of interest for new PhD positions for a project on sustainable development and biodiversity conservation in Romania. Link here: <https://sites.google.com/site/landscapefutures/phd-and-postdoc-opportunities>https://sites.google.com/site/landscapefutures/phd-and-postdoc-opportunities
While this is not yet an official advertisement, I am starting to look around for potential PhD students. I would greatly appreciate if you could circulate this information widely. Many thanks, Joern Fischer
Professor Joern Fischer, Leuphana Universitat Laneburg Scharnhorststrasse 1, D 21335 Laneburg, Germany Tel +49.4131.677-2768
- Missió de conservació de flora al CREN Midi-Pirineus (Llenguadoc) [Ref 063-03/11/2010]
Le CREN Midi-Pyrénées recrute un chargé de mission flore-habitats.
Présentation du CREN: Le Conservatoire Régional des Espaces Naturels de Midi-Pyrénées (CREN MP) est une association de type loi 1901 dont les attributions, statutaires et au sens de l’article L.414-11 du code de l’environnement, sont la conservation des espèces, des milieux et des paysages naturels, notamment par la maîtrise foncière et d’usage, l’acquisition de connaissances naturalistes et la valorisation du patrimoine naturel. Il exerce notamment les missions suivantes : - Contribution à l’acquisition de connaissances et inventaires naturalistes relatifs à la faune, la flore et les habitats naturels et semi-naturels de Midi-Pyrénées. - Préservation et gestion des habitats naturels, notamment par la maîtrise foncière ou d’usage, mais aussi par le conseil aux collectivités et aux aménageurs. - Conservation d’espèces animales et végétales par la mise en œuvre de plans de restauration ou d’actions d’espèces menacées ou protégées. - Information et éducation du public à la connaissance et à la préservation de la nature. Le CREN Midi-Pyrénées est membre de la Fédération des Conservatoires d’Espaces Naturels (FCEN).
Principales missions : Au sein d’une équipe de spécialistes (zoologie, gestion écologique, botanique) le chargé de mission participera à : - La réalisation d’études écologiques (inventaires, diagnostics, identifications, cartographie d’habitats naturels). - La rédaction de plans de gestion. - L’intégration sur BDD et SIG des données espèces et habitats. - Rédaction de rapports, notes de synthèses et documents de présentation. - Montage et suivi de dossiers (rédaction dossiers et devis, suivis techniques et administratifs) ou d’études.
Profil candidat : - Formation initiale de Bac + 2, type BTS GPN avec expérience à Bac + 5 ( mentions biologie, écologie, gestion des milieux naturels…). - Bonnes connaissances naturalistes en tant que botaniste, phyto-écologue : flore vasculaire, expérience en phytosociologie, maîtrise des différentes classifications des habitats et cartographie des milieux naturels. - Connaissances en gestion – restauration des espaces naturels ou semi-naturels. - Goût pour l’engagement associatif et forte motivation pour la protection de la nature exigés. - Autonomie, sens de l’organisation et aptitude aux travaux en équipe et de terrain. - Esprit de synthèse, d’analyse et aisance rédactionnelle sont indispensables de même que la maîtrise des outils bureautiques et l’utilisation de logiciels SIG ou BDD.
- Idéalement expérience réussie au sein d’un conservatoire d’espaces naturels, à défaut au sein d’autres organismes gestionnaires d’espaces ou associations de protection de la nature. - Connaissances faunistiques appréciées, en entomologie et chiroptérologie notamment. Lieu de travail : Toulouse (siège de l’association) au moins la première année. Déplacements fréquents sur l’ensemble de la région. Mobilité possible à moyen terme.
Type de contrat : CDI temps plein assorti d’une période d’essai.
Rémunération : Selon expérience (grille CCNA, groupe E). Indemnisation des frais de mission. Tickets restaurants.
Date de publication : 10 octobre 2010 Date limite de réponse : 19 novembre 2010 Date d’embauche : 03 janvier 2011
Adresser les candidatures à : M. le Président du CREN Midi-Pyrénées Objet : candidature chargé de mission flore-habitat 1 impasse de Lisieux 31025 TOULOUSE
- 2 places per a fer la tesi doctoral a la Stockholm University (Ref. 061/062 - 28/10/2010)
Stockholm University announces Two Ph.D. studentships within the project "Effects of climate change on trophic interactions - spatiotemporal aspects of host plant utilization in butterflies" This is a project within the EkoKlim program that aims to study effects of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem services, involving several departments at Stockholm University.The overarching aim of this project is to investigate how climate change through effects of distribution, abundance, and phenology may influence host utilization, selection and population dynamics in a model system consisting of two species of butterfly and their host plants. One of the doctoral positions will be on the Dep. of Zoology (Ref.no 02/10 KG), whereas the other will be placed on the Dep. of Botany (Ref.no 50/2010). However, an important ambition of the project is that is should be performed as a collaboration between the two doctoral students and senior researchers at the departments of Zoology, Botany and Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology that are involved in the EkoKlim program. Application deadline: 2010-11-20. See full announcement and instructions of how to apply at (in english) http://www.su.se/pub/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=11447&a=85637(in swedish), http://www.su.se/pub/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=11447&a=85634. For further information, please contact: Docent Karl Gotthard (karl.gotthard@zoologi.su.se, tel. 08 164048) and Prof. Christer Wiklund (christer.wiklund@zoologi.su.se, tel. 08-16 40 53) at Department of Zoology or Prof. Johan Ehrlén (johan.ehrlen@botan.su.se, tel. 08 161202) at Department of Botany, which will all be involved in the project.
- Postdoc en Epidemiologia i Conservació / Grècia-UK (Ref. 060- 27/10/2010)
Post doctoral Position in Wildlife Epidemiology and Conservation
Cases of infectious disease emergence are on the increase as is their recognition as significant threats to host biodiversity. Arguably the most notable case of infectious disease as a conservation issue is the global emergence of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). This disease has ravaged amphibian biodiversity on a global scale: in Europe Bd is causing amphibian mass mortality in several countries and in several species. In response to this potential threat to Europe?s amphibian biodiversity, the EU BiodivERsA scheme has funded the first European risk assessment for this pathogen (R.A.C.E., <http://www.bd-maps.eu/index.php> http://www.bd-maps.eu/index.php).
We are seeking one candidate for developing a proposal for a 3-year post doctoral position, integrated within the R.A.C.E. project, studying the epidemiology of Bd in Greece. Two potential funding streams exist, one supporting a Greek or foreign national with a doctorate from a non-Greek university, and one supporting a Greek national holding a doctorate awarded from a Greek university. If the candidate meets the first set of qualifications, the position would be based in Greece at the University of Ioannina with ample opportunity for extended visits to the U.K. based at the Institute of Zoology, ZSL and Imperial College. If the candidate meets the second set, the position would be based for the first two years in the U.K. and in Greece for the last year. In both cases field work would be in Greece, laboratory diagnostics in the U.K. Candidates with experience in disease epidemiology, field work with amphibians and basic molecular biology would be preferred, but training in a ll these techniques is available within the R.A.C.E. project. Candidates should send a C.V. and covering letter to Dr. Trenton W.J. Garner ( <mailto:trent.garner@ioz.ac.uk> trent.garner@ioz.ac.uk) and Dr. Kati Vassiliki ( <mailto:vkati@cc.uoi.gr> vkati@cc.uoi.gr) no later than Nov 5, 2010. The candidate should also be prepared to develop a preliminary proposal for submission by Nov. 20, 2010. Salary 1600? / month.
- 2 places postdoctorals en Ecologia i Genètica de Poblacions (Turku, Findlàndia) (Ref. 058/ 059 - 26/10/2010
Two postdoctoral positions are available at the University of Turku in Finland to work on the project "Life-history evolution and population establishment of invasive plants" funded by the Emil Aaltonen Foundation. One position will be oriented towards plant population ecology with a focus on population establishment (e.g. the role of propagule pressure), and another towards population genetics (e.g. quantifying the amount of genetic variation in populations).
The successful candidates will work on an existing study system (the perennial herb, Lupinus polyphyllus) where they will contribute to data collection in the field and greenhouse, conduct data analyses, write papers and collaborate internationally with the possibility of developing additional study questions related to the project.
Candidates should have 1) A PhD in ecology, evolutionary biology, population genetics or a comparable field. 2) Demonstrated ability to independently initiate, conduct and complete research projects. 3) Demonstrated ability to generate and publish the findings in international peer-reviewed journals and to present the findings at conferences. 4) Furthermore, for the applicant interested in working on population genetics, demonstrated experience in molecular methods and molecular analyses is necessary.
Modelling skills and previous use of the R statistical package are plus.
The starting date is flexible but would preferably be between Jan-April 2011. The initial contract will be for 1 year with a possible extension for up to 3 years. Funding will take the form of a personal grant (mainly tax-free) ca. 1800 euros per month.
Applications and enquires should be sent to Satu Ramula (satu.ramula@utu.fi) by November 8th 2010 and the applications will be reviewed by December. Please include the following documents in your application: (1) a cover letter describing your interest in the position and qualifications, (2) a full CV, (3) the name and contact information of a minimum of two referees and (4) pdfs of up to three representative publications. Please indicate also in a cover letter for which position you are applying for and when you could begin.
- Tesi doctoral en Genòmica ecològica de plantes a la U de Neuchatel (Suïssa) (Ref. 057 - 26/10/2010)
PhD Student in Plant Ecological Genomics at the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland A PhD position is available in the Laboratory of Evolutionary Botany at the University of Neuchatel (Switzerland) to contribute to a larger SNF-funded project on the impact of transposable elements on genome dynamics and reproductive isolation. The PhD research aims at understanding the mechanisms influencing local adaptation under environmental change in the alpine autopolyploid complex Biscutella laevigata (Brassicaceae). In particular, continuous populations located at the trailing edge versus the leading edge of the species range will be investigated using landscape genetics and experimental approaches to detect patterns of genome reorganization and local adaptation. We are seeking a highly motivated and independent student that has completed a MSc degree in evolutionary ecology or plant molecular genetics. You should be familiar with (i) field sampling and experimental design, (ii) molecular techniques and (iii) statistical analysis (skills in GIS would be an asset). Strong organizational and communication (English) skills are required. Interested candidates are encouraged to make informal contacts. Motivated applicants should submit (1) a one-page letter that summarizes their research interests and experience, and their motivation for working on this project, (2) CV, (3) copies of undergraduate and MSc transcripts, and (4) contact information of 2-3 reference persons (all as one PDF) to: christian.parisod@unine.ch The position will begin June 1st, 2011. Yearly salary: CHF 38000 - 44000. Closing date: Applications are welcome until the position is filled. Earliest evaluation of applications is on December 15, 2010. Dr Christian Parisod Evolutionary Botany University of Neuchatel Rue Emile-Argand 11 2009 Neuchâtel - Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)32 718 2344, Fax: +41 (0)32 718 3001 e-mail: christian.parisod@unine.ch http://www2.unine.ch/evobot/page29932.html
- Plaça d’ Editor Sènior per a Conservation Letters (Ref. 056 - 22/10/2010)
Conservation Letters is seeking a new Senior Editor with broad background in conservation biology to work side by side with our Senior Editor for Social Science. We welcome candidates who are SCB members, or members' recommendations. The job of the Senior Editor is evaluate submissions for review, assign a handling Editor to the review cycle, and assess the Editor's publication decision to ensure that all such decisions are consistent, fair, and in keeping with editorial policy. The Senior Editor interfaces frequently with an offsite Managing Editor and our four Editors-in-Chief: Richard Cowling, Michael B. Mascia, Hugh Possingham, and William J. Sutherland. Conservation Letters is an online only, rapid publication journal publishing empirical and theoretical research with significant implications for the conservation of biological diversity. Fast, global and policy-relevant, the journal draws on knowledge, tools and interactions from many disciplines. The Senior Editor therefore will be someone who is committed to the mission, used to interdisciplinary thinking, and willing to work in expedited fashion to achieve fast turnarounds. He or she should also be comfortable with online peer review systems and have some familiarity with journal workflows. Now publishing its third volume, Conservation Letters was accepted for ranking by Web of Science in 2010 and will receive its first Impact Factor in 2011. Like most editorial service, this position is largely volunteer, but a small stipend will be provided the Senior Editor. Please note that all responses must be received no later than November 5, 2010. Address to: Marjorie Spencer Associate Publisher, Wiley-Blackwell mspencer@wiley.com<mailto:mspencer@wiley.com>
For more information, visit www.conservationletters.com<http://www.conservationletters.com>
- Beques de Recerca WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) (Ref. 055- 19/10/2010)
ANNOUNCEMENT: The WCS Research Fellowship Program The WCS Research Fellowship Program (RFP) is a small grants program administered by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Institute which, from 1993 to 2007, funded over 300 proposals totaling more than $3 million. The RFP grants help build research capacity for the next generation of conservation practitioners worldwide. The Program supports individual field research projects that have a clear application to conservation.
In 2010, the RFP was re-designed and re-launched with a new focus of supporting work directly related to WCS priority land/seascapes, species, and/or the global challenges of wildlife health, climate change, human livelihoods, and natural resource extraction. The Program seeks to support the field work of graduate-level students (Masters, PhD, DVM, or equivalent) who will work with WCS staff in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and in special cases, North America (limited to Native Americans and First Nations, M?tis, or Inuit). Collectively, the professionals receiving RFP grants will apply field-tested conservation science to the challenges facing the natural world.
We ask you to please forward the attached announcement for this opportunity to any conservation practitioners who might be interested in learning more. Individuals interested in submitting an RFP application should visit http://programs.wcs.org/grants for eligibility information. The application deadline is January 5, 2011. The maximum award is $20,000. For more information, please email fellowship@wcs.org.
- Convocatòria de Càtedra visitant a la Universitat de Hawai (Ref. 054 - 20/10/2010)
Please consider applying for the following endowed chair that offers an opportunity to spend a sabbatical leave in Hawaii with minimal teaching duties. It is filled with a different person every year. Please also forward the advertisement to anyone you know who may be interested.
The Department of Botany, University of Hawaii at Manoa, seeks a Distinguished Botanist for the Gerritt Parmele Wilder Chair for the 2011/2012 academic year. This position is available for a period up to 12 months and is also available on a one semester basis. Applications are sought from individuals in any field of botany with expertise complementary to departmental faculty (see departmental website at http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/). Primary duties include sharing of expertise through interactions with faculty and students in the Department of Botany and offering a seminar series or course in their specialty area. Salary is competitive and research support may be provided; arrangements will be tailored to the requirements of each Chair holder within the purposes and limits specified by the endowment.
Submit electronic copies of curriculum vitae and a statement of planned activities for the period of appointment by November 15, 2010 to ranker@hawaii.edu, Dr. Tom A. Ranker, Chair, Department of Botany, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 3190 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822-2279.
- Professor en Biologia de plantes a Waikato (Nova Zelanda) (Ref 053 - 13/10/2010)
Vacancy - Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Plant Ecology / Plant Biology, University of Waikato, NZ We invite applications for a continuing position as Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Plant Ecology or related areas of Plant Biology. We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in areas that complement our existing expertise in plant biosystematics, physiology and restoration ecology. Strengths in field ecology and quantitative methods will be advantageous. You will be a developing leader in your field, preferably have postdoctoral experience, an excellent publication record, evidence of international connections and will contribute to teaching in the areas of plant ecology and biology and advanced courses in areas of expertise. Research is an integral component of this position and experience in research student supervision will be advantageous. You will also have a developing or well-developed research record and potential ability to attract external funding for your work. The Department of Biological Sciences ranked first in the 2006 New Zealand Performance Based Research Fund assessment in the Ecology Evolution and Behaviour, and Molecular, Cellular and Whole Organism Biology areas. You will have the potential to contribute to a high ranking in the next assessment (2012). The Department is entering the fifth year of its NZ Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (FRST) funded program in Freshwater Ecology, research worth $10M over ten years. Other FRST funded research programmes include urban ecosystem restoration and a terrestrial Antarctic research programme. Synergies with any of these programmes will be an advantage, as will development of connections with industry based plant biology (pastoral agriculture, horticulture or forestry), depending on your expertise and interests. This position is available from February 2011. Current salary range for Lecturers is $63,327 to $77,318 per year and for Senior Lecturers is NZ$79,266 to $106,319 per year. Enquiries of an academic nature should be directed to Dr Mike Clearwater, telephone +64 7 838 4613 or email: m.clearwater@waikato.ac.nz Further information about the Department is available at http://www.bio.waikato.ac.nz Closing date: 1 November 2010 (NZ time) Vacancy number: 300269 For more information and to apply, visit www.jobs.waikato.ac.nz
- Beca Doctoral FPI (II) Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Ref. 052/18.12.2009)
Se oferta una beca FPI para realizar una tesis doctoral asociada al proyecto LIMITES (CGL2009-07229) “Determinantes de los límites de distribución de plantas de alta montaña y respuestas ante el cambio global". El proyecto posee un enfoque multidisciplinar que conjuga perspectivas ecológicas y genéticas y se desarrollará en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid) con la colaboración de investigadores de la ETH de Zurich.
Se buscan licenciados en Biología, Ciencias Ambientales o titulaciones afines con una fuerte motivación investigadora en este área, carnet de conducir y un buen nivel de inglés. Se valorará positivamente la capacitación en temas vinculados a los objetivos del proyecto (i.e, adaptación local, marcadores moleculares, redes complejas, sistemas de información geográfica y análisis espacial).
La convocatoria oficial de las becas FPI por parte del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación está prevista durante el próximo mes de enero de 2010. Los detalles de la convocatoria del año anterior (son previsibles pocos cambios en la convocatoria de este año) se pueden consultar a efectos orientativos en:
Se recomienda a las personas interesadas que se pongan en contacto lo antes posible con José María Iriondo (jose.iriondo@urjc.es) adjuntando su CV e información sobre su expediente académico.
Jose M. Iriondo Area de Biodiversidad y Conservacion Departamento de Biologia y Geologia ESCET Universidad Rey Juan Carlos c/ Tulipan s/n E-28933 Mostoles, Madrid, Spain Phone: +34 914 888 144 E-mail: jose.iriondo@urjc.es
- Beca Doctoral FPI (I) Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Ref. 051/18.12.2009)
Se oferta una beca FPI para realizar tesis doctoral asociada al proyecto “Evolución de las relaciones entre polinizadores-depredadores y plantas: caracterización de los síndromes de polinización en Silene y relaciones ecológicas y evolutivas con Hadena" (CGL2009-08755).
El proyecto se desarrollará principalmente en el Area de Biodiversidad y Conservación de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (http://www.escet.urjc.es/biodiversos/), y en colaboración con investigadores de la Universidad de Castilla La-Mancha y la Universidad de Bayreuth (Alemania). El trabajo comprenderá abundante trabajo de campo y laboratorio, y probablemente alguna estancia en el laboratorio alemán (información relacionada con el proyecto en http://www.pollination.de/SILENE_PROJECT/silene.html). Se buscan licenciados en Biología o Ciencias Ambientales con una fuerte motivación investigadora, carnet de conducir y buen nivel de inglés.
La convocatoria oficial de las becas FPI por parte del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación está prevista para el próximo mes de enero de 2010 y estará abierta unos quince días (fecha definitiva por confirmar). Como orientación, los detalles de la convocatoria del año anterior (son previsibles pocos cambios en la convocatoria de este año) se pueden consultar en :
Las personas interesadas deberán ponerse en contacto lo antes posible con Luis Giménez Benavides (luis.gimenez@urjc.es), adjuntando su CV y una descripción de sus motivaciones y experiencia investigadora previa.
The Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, offers a four-year PhD scholarship (FPI programme of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; http://www.educacion.es/educacion/universidades/convocatorias/titulados-doctores-profesores/fpu/convocatoria-2009.html).
Project: Effects of habitat dynamics on plant-pollinator communities: an integrative landscape perspective from populations to pollination networks (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, project CGL2009-12646).
The main objective of the project is to evaluate the effects of spatial and temporal components of habitat dynamics (habitat quality, fragmentation, disturbance history) on pollinator communities and their biological interactions. Emphasis will be placed on the study of the quantitative structure of plant-pollinator and bee-parasitoid interaction networks to investigate the relationship between declining species diversity and impoverishment of network topology. The methodology will include food web analysis, field sampling of floral resources and insect pollinators, and rearing of bees and their parasitoids in the laboratory.
Supervisors: Jordi Bosch and Anselm Rodrigo
Requirements: - EU citizenship - Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Biology or similar - Willingness to combine field and laboratory work - Interest in insect community ecology - Driving licence
Candidates should send their academic records and CV (including name, email address, and telephone number of three sources of recommendation) to Jordi.Bosch@uab.es.
Asociada al proyecto de investigación EVOLUCIÓN MULTIGENÓMICA DE GRAMÍNEAS TEMPLADAS. BIOGEOGRAFÍA Y FILOGEOGRAFÍA DE ESPECIES MODELO POOIDEAS financiado por el del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (España). Proyecto CGL2009-12955-C02-01
Características de la tesis doctoral:
Duración: 4 años (1 Septiembre 2010 – 31 Octubre 2014)
Tesis doctoral: Population-genetics, phylogeography and ecology of the grass model plant Brachypodium distachyon
Centro de ejecución: Universidad de Zaragoza (Escuela Politecnica Superior de Huesca, España).
Dotación económica: 2 años beca + 2 años contrato, cuantía de la beca y del contrato según características de la convocatoria
Requisitos de los solicitantes:
- Abierta a ciudadanos de la comunidad europea y a ciudadanos de países no comunitarios con titulo de licenciatura o de grado homologable
- Licenciados en Biología, Ciencias Ambientales, Ingeniería Agronómica o forestal o titulaciones similares con formación en Genética, Botánica y Ecología, cuya titulación haya sido obtenida en el año 2007 o en fecha posterior.
- Expediente académico con nota promedio igual o superior a Notable (2; 7 sobre 10)
- Inglés fluido
- Experiencia en trabajos de laboratorio (Biología molecular y Genética) y de campo (Botánica, Ecología vegetal)
- Autonomía en trabajos de campo
Se ruega a los interesados contacten con la Dra. Pilar Catalán (pcatalan @ unizar.es), Escuela Politécnica Superior de Huesca (Universidad de Zaragoza), Ctra. Cuartel, km 1, 22071 Huesca (Spain)
- Doctoral Position – Gottingen (Ref. 048/18.12.2009)
Plant-insect diversity along grassland and landscape management gradients
Rationale Agricultural intensification is known to greatly influence biodiversity and multitrophic interactions, but the relative contribution of local and landscape features to functional biodiversity is less understood. Responses of plant and insect species richness and associated functions to local management (experimental fertilization, mowing, changing herb-grass composition) will be analyzed along a complexity gradient of agricultural landscapes (around the city of G?ttingen) to study across-habitat spillover and dilution vs. concentration effects. In a multidisciplinary approach, agronomic, economic, philosophical and social dimensions of ecological results will be discussed (see for details www.biodiversitaet-gesellschaft.uni-goettingen.de).
For further information, see www.agroecology.uni-goettingen.de and Tscharntke et al. 2005, Ecology Letters 8: 857-874; Batary et al. 2007, Diversity and Distributions 13: 196-202; Batary et al. 2008, Biological Conservation 141: 2062-2070; Kruess & Tscharntke 2002, Conservation Biology 16: 1570-1580, Biological Conservation 104: 275-284. Requirements MSc or Diploma degree in biology or agriculture or related disciplines. Interest in independent and multidisciplinary research. Knowledge in entomology, GIS and statistics is desirable. Salary and conditions Salary is 1365 Euro per month. Start date: April 1, 2010. The position is for three years. The doctoral thesis will be done as a series of English manuscripts. Applications Applicants should send their CV, including a short summary of research interests, and the names (with email address) of two references in one single pdf-file - to the following three email addresses as soon as possible (latest January 15, 2010): pbatary@gwdg.de, ttschar@gwdg.de, eschroe1@gwdg.de
For further information, please contact Dr. Peter Batary, Agroecology, Georg-August University, Waldweg 26, D-37073 Gottingen, Tel. +49-551-3922257, email: pbatary@gwdg.de, and Prof. Teja Tscharntke (same address), email: ttschar@gwdg.de
- Beca de Investigación para el desarrollo de una Tesis Doctoral (Ref. 047/18.12.2009)
Licenciados en Biología, Medio Ambiente, Geología, Geografía Beca Formación de Personal Investigador Período 2010-2013
Adscrita al proyecto IBERVELD: Paleoflora y Paleovegetación ibérica II: El Cambio ecológico como contingencia antropológica Investigación a desarrollar: en el Grupo de Palinología y Estudios Paleoambientales, Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Universidad de Murcia Director: José S. Carrión, Catedrático de Evolución Vegetal Contacto: carrion@um.es Web: http://jscarrion.com/ http://paleodiversitas.org/
Offre de post-doc d'une durée de 24 mois dans lUnité de Recherche en Génomique Végétale (INRA - CNRS - Université Evry Val d'Essonne) à pourvoir pour février 2010. Ce poste est ouvert dans l'équipe 'Organisation et Evolution des Génomes des Plantes' dirigée par Boulos Chalhoub.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow A two-years postdoctoral position, funded by the Genopole (http://www.genopole.fr/), is available at the URGV (Unité de recherche en génomique végétale: INRA - CNRS - Université Evry Val d'Essonne). The Postdoctoral fellow will join the team "organization and evolution of plant genomes" (http://www.versailles.inra.fr/urgv) of Boulos Chalhoub and will collaborate with groups of Ivo Gut at the National Center for Genotyping and Joseph Jahier at INRA-Rennes. She/He will focus on analyzing functional and epigenetic changes induced by allopolyploidy in natural and newly synthesized wheat allopolyploids, using mainly new-generation sequencing technologies. Candidates having PhD in genetics and/or genomics, proven experience in a relevant scientific field and skills (bioinformatic, bioanalysis, Q-PCR, microarray and/or new-generation sequence analysis) are encouraged to apply. Commitment to work to high scientific standards with other scientists in the laboratory is also encouraged. No nationality condition is required but the postdoc should have obtained a French PhD and ideally is doing a postdoc outside France. The Fellowship should help her/him to come back and establish a research activity in France. The position is expected to start February 2010. Applications should include a CV, a statement of interest, and contact information of two referees, and submitted by e-mail to: Boulos Chalhoub (chalhoub@evry.inra.fr).
- Beca Predoctoral FPI en Ecología Evolutiva Forestal (Ref. 045/18.12.2009)
Unidad de Genética y Ecofisiología Forestal, Centro de Investigación Forestal, INIA, Madrid.
Estamos buscando un estudiante interesado en hacer un doctorado sobre ecología evolutiva y conservación genética de especies forestales en nuestro grupo, a partir de Agosto-Septiembre 2010.
Nuestras líneas de investigación emplean diversas técnicas de análisis genético molecular y modelos estadísticos para estudiar patrones y procesos genético-poblacionales a distintas escalas espaciales, con el objetivo de obtener información útil para la gestión y conservación de recursos genéticos forestales. La beca FPI estará asociada a un proyecto del Plan Nacional de I+D sobre las consecuencias adaptativas del flujo genético entre poblaciones de pinos ibéricos de interés en conservación. El trabajo comprenderá muestreos en campo, análisis de ADN y caracteres cuantitativos en el laboratorio y desarrollo y aplicación de métodos estadísticos relacionados.
La beca será ofertada en la convocatoria FPI 2010, que se espera sea publicada en la web del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación el próximo mes de Enero. Como sabéis, estas ayudas vienen consistiendo en dos años de beca y dos años de contrato, e incluyendo además financiación para realizar estancias de 2-6 meses por año en otros centros de investigación nacionales o extranjeros. Nuestro grupo es multidisciplinar e internacional; existirán además posibilidades de colaboración con otros grupos españoles, europeos y americanos en el marco del proyecto.
Los candidatos deberán tener un expediente académico excelente y se valorarán positivamente los conocimientos sobre ecología evolutiva, genética de poblaciones y análisis estadístico. Es importante tener un alto nivel de inglés, oral y escrito. Se considerará beneficiosa la experiencia en técnicas de análisis molecular.
Si estás interesado, envía por favor a la dirección indicada más abajo un correo electrónico adjuntando un CV y una descripción de tus motivaciones y de tu experiencia académica e investigadora previa. El plazo finalizará aproximadamente a mediados de Enero 2010 (fecha límite por confirmar por el Ministerio).
Juan José Robledo Arnuncio, CIFOR-INIA
jjrobledo@gmail.com http://sites.google.com/site/jjrobledo2/
- Doctorate position for an ecological research project (Ref. 044/18.12.2009)
Linking pattern formation and biodiversity in water-limited plant Communities
The research is carried out in the Laboratory of Dr. Yagil Osem, Institute of Plant Sciences, ARO, Volcani Center, Bet Dagan with the collaboration of Prof. Ehud Meron and Prof. Moshe Shachak, Ben Gurion University.
The research is funded by the International Science Foundation. It involves field (Northern Negev) and laboratory (Bet Dagan) work.
Qualifications: 1) Masters degree (Ecology, Biology or Agriculture) 2) Willingness for intensive field work 3) Good quantitative approach
For more details please contact: Yagil Osem yagil@agri.gov.il
El Centre de Documentació de Biodiversitat Vegetal de la UB (CeDocBiv) ofereix una beca de col·laboració per Conservació i digitalització de mostres d'herbari. Condicions: 10 h/setmanals, 231 € mensuals. Sol·licituds fins al 6 de novembre.
Informació: (Codi de la beca: 43.1)
- PhD position in plant invasion ecology at the University of Bern, Switzerland (Ref. 042/29.9.2009)
We are looking for a PhD student highly motivated to work on the effect on soil feedback of native and invasive plant species. The work involves multi-species comparison of many native and invasive plants and includes several sampling campaigns in the field, as well as common garden and greenhouse experiments. In addition, there is room for the student to develop own ideas and experiments. Ideally, the candidate should have a background in plant population, experimental, or soil ecology and sound knowledge of statistical methods.
The position will be with Dr. Daniel Prati and Prof. Markus Fischer in the Plant Ecology group at the Institute of Plant Sciences of the University of Bern, Switzerland, (http://www.botany.unibe.ch/planteco/index.php). Bern is a beautiful city with a world-heritage old town, offers a high quality of living, and is ideal for hiking or skiing. The institute offers a stimulating international research environment and excellent facilities. In addition to projects on biological invasions, our group is involved in projects on evolutionary ecology, population biology, Alpine ecology, conservation biology, and biodiversity research.
The position is funded by the Swiss National Foundation SNF for 3 years. Salaries range between CHF 39,600.- and 45,600.-. Candidates should have a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in biology, ecology or botany, a driver’s license, fluency in English and good collaboration skills. Working knowledge in German would be advantageous. Applicants should e-mail a letter of application, a curriculum vitae and contact details of two references to Daniel Prati until October 15, 2009. In the letter of application, the applicant should motivate why she or he wants to do a PhD and why she or he wants to work on invasion biology. The applicant should also present details on her or his experimental and statistical skills. For more information on this position, the project and research in our lab contact Daniel Prati (daniel.prati@ips.unibe.ch).
- Beatriu de Pinós 2009 (Ref. 041/ 1.9.2009)
Ajuts a la Recerca: Bases i Convocatòria de beques i ajuts postdoctorals dins del Programa Beatriu de Pinós (BP-DGR)2009 Modalitat A. Beques per a estades de recerca postdoctorals fora de l'Estat Espanyol (BP-A) Modalitat B. Ajuts per a la incorporació de personal investigador al sistema de ciència i tecnologia català (BP-B.) Data convocatòria: 12/08/2009 Data Límit presentació: 29/09/2009 Organisme convocant: AGAUR - Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca. Generalitat de Catalunya.
Més informació: DOGC
- Position for Post Doctoral Researcher (Plant Ecology or Ecological Modelling) (Ref. 040/1.9.2009)
The position of a Post Doctoral Researcher (Plant Ecologist) is available at the Department of Plant Ecology, University of Tübingen, Germany. The position is part of a multidisciplinary and international research project dealing with the impact of global change on water resources in the Jordan River Basin (see www.glowa-jordan-river.de). We are looking for a scientist with excellent skills in the analysis of complex datasets and with experience in collecting multi-species data in the field. Alternatively, the candidate could also be interested in modelling plant responses to climate change. The main task will be the integrative analysis of a globally unique dataset with the aim of deriving predictive models for the response of natural plant communities to climate change and land use change. The dataset comprises of demographic parameters of all (approx. 500) component species during up to ten years of climate manipulation and grazing exclosure along two steep climatic gradients in Jordan and Israel. In addition, data from monitoring key abiotic factors is available. One aim of the project is to evaluate management strategies for natural areas in the region that could help in adapting to the consequences of climate change. However, the candidate is welcome to develop own ideas with respect to data analysis and possibly new data collection. Requirements: Ph.D. in ecology, good experience in analysing complex and multivariate datasets or modelling skills, interest and experience in integration of interdisciplinary research groups, excellent knowledge of English. Working place will be Tübingen, with occasional stays in Israel and Jordan. Duration: Three years (starting as soon as possible).The position could be split into two positions of two years each if the profile of two candidates is complementary. Salary is according to the tariffs in German public services (TVL), plus travel expenses and per diem for the time of stay abroad. Funds for conducting own empirical research are available, too. Note that the University of Tübingen is an equal opportunity employer. Applications should be sent at the earliest possible date (preferably until September 15 or until position is filled) via email to the two addresses below and should include a statement of interest, CV, publication list and names and addresses of at least two references. Contact: coordination@glowa.uni-tuebingen.de Enquiries: Katja Tielbörger (katja.tielboerger@uni-tuebingen.de)
- Post-doc in ecological-economics (Ref. 039/ 1.9.2009)
We are looking for a post-doc to work with ecological-economic modelling. The European Union devotes a large budget to agri-environment schemes (AES), aimed at benefiting biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, in general very little is known about the cost-effectiveness of the AES. Or, in other words: How much biodiversity and ecosystem services are we getting for our money? Our project "More biodiversity at less cost" aims at investigating the cost-effectiveness of the Swedish AES for small biotopes. The project team consists of six senior researchers (one economist, two animal ecologists, one soil ecologist, one plant ecologist, and one physical geographer) and three graduate students. Together we study biodiversity and ecosystems services of different taxa: vascular plants, pollinating insects, predatory invertebrates, and birds. We identify replicated study landscapes using GIS tools and a geographical database of all Swedish agricultural fields. We are theoretical ly investigating how the value of biodiversity and ecosystem services varies depending on landscape context. Also how the cost-effectiveness of the AES depends on landscape context and species pool, among other things. We would now like to add a post-doc to the team, to take an active part in the ecological-economic modelling.
We are looking for a candidate who has some experience in mathematical modelling, a solid understanding of optimization theory, and an understanding and interest in both ecological and economic theory. Such a person could be an ecologist or an economist, or both, or perhaps come from a different discipline but with the abovementioned skills.
We are offering a position as a post-doc for at least one year, with the possibility to extend to two years.
For more information, please contact Ola Olsson (ola.olsson@zooekol.lu.se) or Mark Brady (mark.brady@ekon.slu.se). There is also information about the research group at http://www.lu.se/bce-home .
- Investigador a 3 anys al UFZ (Ref. 038 / 23.5.2009)
Interesting job offer at the UFZ Department of Community Ecology, a 3-year research scientist position to coordinate the set-up of a large Global Change Experimental Facility
The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ is a research institution within the Helmholtz Association. It provides scientific contributions to the safeguarding of the natural basis of life and of human development potentialities for current and future generations under the challenges of global and climate change. In this way the UFZ contributes towards a sustainable development.
In the first instance, the research associate will be responsible for the scientific coordination of the proposed Global Change Experimental Facility (GCEF), which will be a large field experimental platform at the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research. In the GCEF, different climate change and land use scenarios will be manipulated on field plots, and their combined effects on functions and services of terrestrial ecosystems will be analyzed. The GCEF is still in the planning stage and will be constructed during the next three years. Scientific coordination includes an active contribution right from the planning stage, and a scientific monitoring of the construction of the facility and of test runs of its different components. In later stages of the platform’s implementation, the successful applicant will be responsible for coordination of the various research activities, and for synthesis of their individual results. She or he is also expected to develop independent research projects, for instance about how species interactions or micro-evolutionary changes mould the impact of climate change on ecosystems. We are seeking for an ambitious, highly motivated scientist with a keen interest in conceptual issues in ecology, and strong communicative and organizational skills. Applicants must have a PhD in biology or ecology, with a strong focus on vegetation or ecosystem ecology, biodiversity or global change research, plant population biology or ecological genetics. This should be reflected by an appropriate publication list. We expect applicants to be experienced in designing and conducting ecological field experiments, and in advanced techniques of data analysis. Previous experience in inter-disciplinary research or project coordination is welcome. Fluency in spoken and written English is indispensable. The post is based in Halle/Saale (Germany).Salary will be according to the applicable German civil service level.
This fixed-term position will start on 1st August 2009, and will initially be available for 3 years. Applicants should send a short application by email to Dr. Harald Auge (harald.auge@ufz.de), and a complete application (including a short letter of motivation, CV, complete list of publications, contact details of two referees) under code 46/2009 to the Personnel Department of the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, PO Box 500136, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany, or by email toapplication@ufz.de. Closing date is 26th June 2009.
- Contracte de Recerca en Conservació de la Biodiversitat a Sudamèrica (Ref. 37 - 22/V/2009)
Institut Botànic de Barcelona - CSIC
Mitja Jornada (20 h setmanals) en projecte de recerca finançat per la Fundación BBVA durant 3 anys.
Projecte: Conservación de la biodiversidad frente al calentamiento global en las Tierras Altas de Guyana (Norte de Sudamérica).
Lloc de treball: Institut Botànic de Barcelona (CSIC), Pg. del Migdia s/n (Montjuïc), 08038-Barcelona.
Condicions: Contracte CSIC + Seguretat Social, 13.820€ bruts anuals (12+2)
Contacte: Dr. Valentí Rull (vrull@ibb.csic.es i www.vrull.org)
- Contracte d'un tècnic en recerca i conservació de la Natura (Ref. 36 - 21/V/2009)
La Institució Catalana d'Història Natural (ICHN) cerca un bon coneixedor de les iniciatives de recerca i de conservació de la natura que es duen a terme a Catalunya per encarregar-li l'elaboració, coordinació i seguiment dels programes anuals de cursos naturalistes i de sessions científiques, així com l'establiment d'un programa de difusió de les activitats de la Institució.
Aquestes tasques es consideren un primer pas vers la creació d'una Secretaria Tècnica de la ICHN i es proposen com a suport professional a temps parcial. Els experts amb disponibilitat i interès en aquesta oferta han de posar-se en contacte amb la secretaria de la ICHN.
Més informació
Secretaria de la ICHN
Carrer Maria Aurèlia Capmany, 14-16; 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 933 248 582 Fax: 932 701 180 Adreça electrònica: ichn@iec.cat
Nota: Per raons d'espai, s'han suprimit les ofertes de treball anteriors (octubre 2007-maig 2009; Refs. 1-35), amb els terminis de presentació ja exhaurits
The Commission's Secretariat prepares and supports sessions of the Commission, and follows up on its decisions. It also monitors and reports to the Commission on developments in relevant international bodies and processes (including the Convention on Biological Diversity).
The Commission's Secretariat is currently seeking applications to fill in a position for a Technical Officer (Biodiversity and Environment). Information related to the post can be found at http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/VA/pdf/2566-NRD_en_ext.pdf
The deadline for application is 10 September 2011.
Your support and cooperation is being sought in circulating this information so as to attract the highest number of interested and qualified candidates to apply for this important position.
Please share and circulate this announcement widely to those who could be interested within your networks.
Thank you in advance for your interest and our apologies for cross-posting.
Secretariat Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture