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Nosaltres.com - El cercador de Vilaweb
Filogeografia del faig de la Xina PDF Imprimeix Correu electrònic
divendres, 18 d'octubre de 2013 10:56
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El nostre company Jordi López-Pujol, acaba de publicar a la nova revista Ecology & Evolution, l'article Comparative phylogeography of two sympatric beeches in subtropical China: Species-specific geographic mosaic of lineages. A l'article, fet en col·laboració amb altres investigadors de la Xina, s'estudien 2 espècies de faig de la Xina, de les quals s'analitza el mosaic de llinatges filogeogràfics i s'aporta la datació dels haplotips, reconstruint el procés de divergència produït en els darrers 6,36 milions d'anys.

Zhi-Yong Zhang, Rong Wu, Qun Wang, Zhi-Rong Zhang, Jordi López-Pujol, Deng-Mei Fan & De-Zhu Li2 (2013, online). Comparative phylogeography of two sympatric beeches in subtropical China: Species-specific geographic mosaic of lineages. Ecology & Evolution [Article first published online: 11 OCT 2013; DOI: 10.1002/ece3.829]


In subtropical China, large-scale phylogeographic comparisons among multiple sympatric plants with similar ecological preferences are scarce, making generalizations about common response to historical events necessarily tentative. A phylogeographic comparison of two sympatric Chinese beeches (Fagus lucida and F. longipetiolata, 21 and 28 populations, respectively) was conducted to test whether they have responded to historical events in a concerted fashion and to determine whether their phylogeographic structure is exclusively due to Quaternary events or it is also associated with pre-Quaternary events. Twenty-three haplotypes were recovered for F. lucida and F. longipetiolata (14 each one and five shared). Both species exhibited a species-specific mosaic distribution of haplotypes, with many of them being range-restricted and even private to populations. The two beeches had comparable total haplotype diversity but F. lucida had much higher within-population diversity than F. longipetiolata. Molecular dating showed that the time to most recent common ancestor of all haplotypes was 6.36 Ma, with most haplotypes differentiating during the Quaternary. [Correction added on 14 October 2013, after first online publication: the time unit has been corrected to ‘6.36’.] Our results support a late Miocene origin and southwards colonization of Chinese beeches when the aridity in Central Asia intensified and the monsoon climate began to dominate the East Asia. During the Quaternary, long-term isolation in subtropical mountains of China coupled with limited gene flow would have lead to the current species-specific mosaic distribution of lineages

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