Evolució i política de conservació: E-Congrés |
diumenge, 7 de febrer de 2010 20:48 |
A continuació transcrivim directament l'anunci de l'E-congrés:
Electronic conference announcement: “Evolution and Biodiversity: The evolutionary basis of biodiversity and its potential for adaptation to global change” 1st – 19th March 2010
The organisers of the Spanish meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS) and the BioStrat project coordinators invite you to participate in the electronic conference “Evolution and Biodiversity: The evolutionary basis of biodiversity and its potential for adaptation to global change”. The results of the e-conference will be presented and discussed at the EPBRS delegates meeting in Mallorca, Spain on the 12th – 15th April 2010. Evolutionary processes are ultimately responsible for the generation and maintenance of biodiversity. However, they are rarely considered in management actions and policies aimed at preserving it and making use of the resources and services it provides. Forthcoming policies aimed at reducing the current loss of biodiversity and facing the challenges posed by its interaction with climate change, food security or health security would benefit considerably from an explicit incorporation of current knowledge on evolutionary processes. From a proactive stand, the identification of existing knowledge gaps and sources of uncertainty that limit the incorporation of evolutionary knowledge to biodiversity and global change policies, and addressing them through targeted research programs, would enhance the potential success of such policies.
The e-conference will address three topics, one per week of the conference: 1. The evolutionary basis of biodiversity: strategies to manage and preserve evolutionary processes, and their likely impact on biodiversity 2. Evolutionary responses to anthropogenic pressures, including global change 3. Evolution in complex systems and co-evolutionary networks: managing complexity in the face of uncertainty
You are kindly invited to subscribe to the electronic conference by filling in the subscription form available at: http://www.nbu.ac.uk/biota/e-conference.htm or directly on the WebBoard on: http://forums.ceh.ac.uk:8080/~BioStrat/login. In case of any difficulty subscribing, please e-mail Fiona Grant on fian@ceh.ac.uk. Information on BioStrat e-conferences and how they function can be found by following the ‘e-conference’ link on the BioStrat website (http://www.biostrat.org/). Note that there is no need to subscribe if you subscribed to previous BioStrat or BioPlatform e-conferences – you will automatically have access to this e-conference. If you not longer wish to be subscribed to this forum please email fian@ceh.ac.uk as soon as possible.
Further information on the e-conference will soon be made available on the following websites: - BIOTA Cluster: http://www.nbu.ac.uk/biota/e-conference.htm - EPBRS: http://www.epbrs.org/ - BioStrat: http://www.biostrat.org/
We would greatly appreciate your help in forwarding this announcement to anyone who might be interested. Best regards, Joachim Mergeay, E-conference chair, INBO, Belgium Luis Santamaria, Spanish EPBRS meeting organiser, CSIC-UIB Fiona Grant, Juliette Young and Allan Watt, E-conference management, CEH Edinburgh, UK