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dijous, 2 de setembre de 2010 10:39
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SYNTHESYS – Funding available for short research visits
New Call Deadline; 17th October 2010, (17:00 UK time).

The SYNTHESYS Office is pleased to announce the start of the new SYNTHESYS project and has now opened its second Call for proposals under the European Commission's FPVII European-funded Integrating Activities funding scheme.
SYNTHESYS funding is available to provide scientists (Users) based in European Member, Associate and Candidate States to undertake short visits to utilise the infrastructure (comprising the collections, staff expertise and analytical facilities) at one of the 16 partner institutions (see full list below) for the purposes of their research.
Taxonomic Access Facilities (TAFs)
The 16 partner institutions are organised into 10 national TAFs. TAF Users will be hosted by a TAF staff member (Host).
The 10 TAFs represent an unparalleled resource for taxonomic research offering:
-collections amounting to over 324 million natural history specimens, including 3.3 million type specimens
-internationally renowned taxonomic and systematic skill base
-chemical analysis, molecular and imaging facilities.

Proposals for funding are welcomed from high-calibre researchers seeking access for short-term visits (average duration 15 days).  SYNTHESYS is able to meet the Users' costs for:
o Research costs*
o International travel
o Local accommodation while based at the TAF
o A per diem to contribute towards living costs and travel to/from international departure points
* Research related costs including bench fees and consumables (including molecular biology at some TAFs). 
See www.synthesys.info for more information or contact synthesys@nhm.ac.uk 
AT-TAF Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien
BE-TAF Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences; Koninklijik Museum voor Midden-Afrika
DE-TAF Museum fur Naturkunde; Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum
ES-TAF Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales; Real Jardín Botánico Naturales
DK-TAF The Natural History Museum of Denmark
FR-TAF Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
GB-TAF Natural History Museum; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
HU-TAF Hungarian Natural History Museum
NL-TAF University van Amsterdam; Nationaal Herbarium Nederland; National Natural History Museum Naturalis
SE-TAF Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet
The SYNTHESYS Partners are inviting applications from researchers based in the Member States of the EU:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark (including Greenland), Estonia, Finland, France (including Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, La Réunion), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
Plus the Associated Countries of the EU: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Faroe Islands, FYR Macedonia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Republic of Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey

Darrera actualització de dijous, 2 de setembre de 2010 10:46